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04/20/06 10:58 AM

#32 RE: JASONTL #31

That is true... however, normally the stock is supposed to slowly rise back to it's "normal" PPS pre-split... with UDSG, it will be tough to figure out. I would like to buy a bunch of shares at .40... with expectations of reaching $2.50. I would imagine it's more exciting than buying shares today at .79 hoping for $4.50. The $2.50 just sounds more reachable faster... $4.50 has a sound of being difficult... we shall see. I tried buying 30,000 shares today at .79... my order sat for about 5 minutes... and for that reason only, I cancelled it. I am not sure what that means that they wouldn't fill me. I would think it means that the share price will be going up by EOD.