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10/23/14 2:23 PM

#102667 RE: Rawnoc #102662

Why hasn't BASi started Tox testing on Flucide?

We don't know that it hasn't. I suspect BASi is doing whatever small amount of initial testing the 200 g of Flucide that they got allows them to do.

Why hasn't ebolacide2 been synthesized yet?

We really don't know what the situation here is. It may be that multiple versions of Ebolacide2 are being made, so they can test them all and pick the one that works best. There isn't much point in speculating at this time.

Why are qualified lab technicians unwilling to work for them?

Because Dr. Seymour didn't take my suggestion of cutting his own pay to $100,000 and applying the difference to a big offer to an outstanding chemist, rather than see the chemists go off to work for Wall Street.

Why are they preparing another dilutive event?

Because, of course, everything is taking years longer than they expected the last time they said they had enough money to get through phase I/IIa. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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10/23/14 3:08 PM

#102670 RE: Rawnoc #102662

Answers are ugly and coming soon.

There's that word again...
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10/24/14 10:12 AM

#102693 RE: Rawnoc #102662

How ugly? I'm thinking you said you represent a long who is unhappy with NNVC. Apologies if I have that wrong. Are the answers ugly enough that the investor you represent is getting out?
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10/24/14 6:16 PM

#102717 RE: Rawnoc #102662

Quote: Why hasn't NNVC purchased the facility from Diwan YET?

I'm thinking it makes absolutely no sense for them to (ever) buy the lab.

Why do that if they are going to eventually BK the shell company.

Why siphon capital to something that might give shareholders an actual asset in liquidation.

The lease terms should be something.