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10/22/14 9:01 PM

#19931 RE: Tony757 #19924

I have had that very same thought earlier this afternoon, Tony, after the close, that the really knowledgeable traders would see how the bid/ask spread held, and did not plummet, like it should have, and will realize that there must be ''something'' really good & strong about the investors who are holding on in this play, so as not to let that happen, ie: for the pps to drop down even further! So, just maybe, this area or level of the triple 6's & 7's, is a super strong level of resistance, that must be just darn well near to impossible to overcome, by those people who would like to drive it down even further, if they could. So, if that is what was happening today, then those peoplee who were TRYING TO FORCE IT DOWN LOWER, so that they could then by beaucoups of shares on the cheap, WERE NOT ABLE TO DO SO, EVEN WITH SOME OF THEIR BIGGEST GUNS & WITH MANY ADDITIONAL OTHER BUT SMALLER IN LOT SIZE SELLS ON THE BID, ie: ''BID-WHACKERS!!! LET US SO HOPE THAT THIS MAYBE IS A TRUE & very strong bottom, that ''they'' just will not be able to bust through, so that we can get back to the business at hand, the which was & is, to rejuvenate the 7 week long very bullish run that we were having before all of this greedy bid whacking & sabotage started happening on October the 8th! GLORY! MAYBE WE'RE SOON GONNA START MOVING BACK UP GREEN once again, & very soon, ey??!!! GLTU

Jaime :-)