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10/22/14 7:11 PM

#83756 RE: TrickV8 #83755

Probably because it is as valid as the October 2014 news. None of the old 'news' turned out to be fact.

Frayed Knot

10/23/14 9:18 AM

#83791 RE: TrickV8 #83755

why are you quoting March 2010 news?

TO SHOW a LAUNCH from the PAST that didn't happen.

Thought it was obvious along with other "launch" posts I have done.

Just showing that Michaels has "launched" but never BLASTED OFF throughout the last SEVERAL YEARS.. think about 20 Years... starting with his WWWC casino days. (actually I think a launch could go back to his Real Estate days but I will just stay with "technology" launches)

Some "launches" have actually been other company's products...

EG: Hop-on first disposable phone..

EG: The On-line casino software..

Both he was busted on. Believe the WWWC days led to problems with the FEDS...think that was one of his fraud convictions. It has been posted about before, links included.

And of course other "launches" were for NON-EXISTENT products.

Stay tuned the "PARADE of LAUNCHES" by the DELUSIONARY will continue!!