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10/23/14 11:16 AM

#194868 RE: bigdumbandugly #194784

so no takers? . just one reply? . . lol.
(and ty geo for that at least. . however all those entities you listed and myself have no affiliation whatever - except maybe for looking for truth within the shell of this always-hyped but chronically non-delivering company.)

i guess i got here too late to read corp's well received but deleted factual message. . . oh well, tomorrow's friday and corp maybe you can pm it to me during non-sad hour. (the term happy hour being reserved for better days to come SOON! . lol).

yeah, that left hand column on slide 28 REALLY lets us know the company is looking out for we shareholders. . . was the term 'shareholder value' ever mumbled by anyone during the asm?
words are cheap but words written in the left hand column of slide 28 are even cheaper.
i DO hope there is something to this - but if you've been here for any period of time you know not to read anything into it.
i'd feel more confident if it was printed on ALL of slide five or thereabouts.
i like being in the top ten at least.

finally - and maybe i have no place to speak to this since i did not attend the asm as i am a pphm investor and amazingly unlike most longs posting here i've LOST much capital being invested in the pp'er.
therefore i do not have the discretionary funds to put towards a trip to the left coast. . . BUT that post about everyone being so calm and serene and no chest pounding or however they wrote it - i don't see how that conveys to the company the dissatisfaction of the last 15 years of burrowing share price .
if one of you gated community wine & brie types will foot my transportation costs from nyc to san diego next fall i will stir things up a bit and let them know common share holders exist and should be recognized too.

or, maybe it is a requirement that one be 3/4 comatoose on quaaleuds to attend one of these asm's as well as showing yourself to be a shareholder with documented proof?
isn't being on some sort of powerful mood enhancing drug proof enough for them?

anyway, would like to hear from a non-perma pumper no matter the situation on how the pp'er is to 1) keep the sp elevated over the next half year or so and 2) how do we avoid the dilution that will come if we don't partner SOON. . . (this question based on the probability we DON'T partner soon as we still have no reason to believe that will happen given past history. . though it of course always is a never before seen remote possibility.)