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10/22/14 12:17 PM

#20426 RE: Showmeethemoney #20424

Try to keep up with the STORY LINE...

The preferred shares were AUTHORIZED a LONG time ago.

That was part of the scheme, while Giffhorn was the BIG KAHUNA at PTSC, to simplify/assure further financing from Swartz..
...( since they had already used the warrant route to SHOVEL money to him..)..IMO

What is paramount NOW is to get rid of our nemesis,--Leckrone--.

He will still be able to control the MONEY flow by using various
subterfuges, if the wrong plan is chosen.

The plan that gets rid of Lecky is the MOORE plan..


We need to get rid of the JERK who has misused the Licensing plan to extract money that should have accrued to Patriot share holders, to his own account,, and will continue to do so. IMO

Have a nice day...