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10/22/14 8:22 AM

#55342 RE: Jesspro #55340

Agreed, predictably. While 113 has been fast tracked, this is an exception to the rule (in some ways) that that science is a long game. Molecules are not developed overnight, and it has taken decades to make significant progress in the oncology field. What I find fascinating about Ariad is how one "little" biotech can be so central to the development of game-changing therapies (or, in the words of the FDA, "breakthrough"). That Berger has grown this "little biotech" to the point where there are at least two molecules with multiple indications, and potentially and third (about which we know nothing) is truly astounding.

Punch line for me: whatever his faults may be, and there may well be many, that Ariad even exists with the multiple products in and out of the lab is simply remarkable. That I can buy this stock for under $6.0 a share, well, that's priceless!!