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10/22/14 8:23 AM

#111176 RE: Dakota Dad #111174

There is a big difference between fear and discontent, considering the reality all these years have given us.

After all this time of lack of success and zero proof of real business I can't see the negativity as fear at all. Disgusted, anger and disappointment and a healthy dose of acceptance yes.
Holding on to the various and always unsubstantiated pipe dreams and speculations is, well not interesting rather it is confounding.

Anvil in post 111172 lays out what Gene could have done, should have done. Yet no pipe dreamers comment on that reality. They just ignore it. Anvil speaks from experience as a true business owner not speculation. Yet his input is largely dismissed.
Assuming he is accurate it would be hugely incompetent of Gene not to attack this so called NSS situation. What about that? Maybe it just proves there really is no NSS. From a longs view that would be better than there was a NSS and our CEO does nothing about it.

There is no "fear of success" being expressed by anyone.


10/22/14 8:42 AM

#111177 RE: Dakota Dad #111174

Hilarious. The contrarian indicator on a Scam like RCCH has never worked.

Good DD into the RCCH Scam on the other hand, reveals that RCCH has NOThING.
