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10/20/14 10:37 AM

#11364 RE: powderbum #11363

"The Mayo Clinic? Boy that's a hard one."???

Well, I think the Mayo's opinion is pretty clear since neither THEY nor ANYONE associated with them has bought a calmare in the five or so years since Loprinzi first started spouting off about the need for "somebody" -- not HIM, of course -- to do some controlled studies.

Of course, that begs the question as to WHY would you need ANY kind of study for a device that allegedly eliminates over 90 plus per cent of the pain in over 90 plus per cent of the people it is used on! I mean, heck, just hook it up to a few people and watch'em stroll away pain free! That ought to be pretty darn convincing, I would think!

If nothing else, you'd think Loprinzi, out of compassion for all those suffering cancer patients, would buy at least one machine himself and DONATE to Mayo for use in the clinic! Why, I bet CTTC would even give him a nice discount!