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10/16/14 11:07 PM

#116788 RE: jjj373 #116787

Propping up the HLNT PPS
has been quite successful.
A million shares here and there is chump change for those holding large. Also, some longing longs have been able to average down a bit with what few millions have come available. For all we know, great news is about to be released and the current trips have been orchestrated so as to sucker in the weak hands shares. I mean, all of what we have seen may have been orchestrated by those in the know. On the other hand, I doubt it and am open to the "WATCH AND LEARN" cliche.

Well, in any case, I am watching and learning just exactly what the Arkansas boys have in mind. So far it appears to be merely a mindless mess of share sales and lost investor value orchestrated through questionable business practices. But maybe I will be HUGELY surprised before we reach the TRIP ZERO ONES. I know, in my wildest dreams! ROFLMMFAO!!!

. . .
