Wait. I have to comment because this is a one sided view of a reverse split and let's be fair.... There are other components that you did not address.
Look I am not defending the overwhelming evidence that a rs is a negative. It has that perception. But in most of this companies, you are dealing with negative economic standing and needed capital requirements.
I also believe there will be no reverse split, but under the right circumstances, this could be beneficial. If they announce a reverse split on the same day they get certification it completely alters the underlying per share metrics Because you have reduce the shares outstanding you increase all the per share metrics. So a net income of 10 cents per share now becomes a net income of 1 dollar per share Ina 10/1 split environment. Given that they have had no income history- the stock then becomes more attractive to institutions and mutual funds. Look. Not an easy concept to accept but think it through. In some scenarios a rs is good