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10/16/14 11:32 AM

#67962 RE: asus #67961

Since when do investors drive the business?

Between the PPS screaming and me laughing all I have to say is...

It is the PPS and only the PPS that tells the truth, then and now!!!


10/17/14 6:13 AM

#67972 RE: asus #67961

BH paid Sony several hundred thousand dollars for movies that practically everybody had already seen numerous times since they were run on cable and sat on a regular basis, and one had to pay $2.99 or $3.99. In other words, he gave the money away. Then he wrote a long piece in the old website basically asking stockholders to pump. That piece was posted here. That was a horrible deal but it turned out to be much worse that expected. So why wouldn't Sony take the money that BH was giving away? He didn't even follow through on the other deals. He was given more than half a million dollars in 2008 to pay for content, back payroll taxes and a few other bills, and pilfered the money instead. I e-mailed you the copies of the bank statements that records payments to himself, his other companies, his family and friends, withdrawals in cash from ATMs and more bounced checks than I have ever seen. Some bank statements going back even further show IRS taking money from the accounts, and finally, the banks closing the accounts for overdrafts and taking the company to court. Before he was replaced (he was more than happy to leave), he hid much of the records by giving these to Lovejoy, where he probably never thought anybody would look. But greedy Lovejoy then asked Green for $5K to turn them over.

Too bad I have to waste my time repeating some of the facts. There is too much being said here that is simply not true. The same falsehoods keep being repeated.

This stock remains where it is at because of the years of fraudulent behavior. Investors are not coming back until management turns a new leaf that can be verified.