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10/16/14 12:42 PM

#11821 RE: TMMI Believer #11815

That's the not the patent in question with the current court case,what's in play and being looked at is patent number 8351509 Video codec systems and methods for optimal motion vector with variable size blocks!!.
Hurd; Lyman Porter (Atlanta, GA), Elton; John H. (Atlanta, GA)

That second patent 8639053 is also included in the injunction but,it's useless without the first patent!!.

The patent office has nothing to do with what the court and what the law says about injunctions!!.

Close to 23 months and still today, the Defendants can't even use their patent!!.

Judge Ellsworth has already placed the injunction in the minutes and the Plaintiffs have also added it to their 12 clauses from their 2nd amended complaint,as a injunction,and permanent injunction!!.
Before anyone answers back with,well your own person called the patent office,good but,like I said the patent office has nothing to do with injunctions,unless it's a order from the court,which will be coming as soon as this current court case concludes!!.

TMMI TRUDEF moves onward and upward Worldwide!!.
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10/16/14 1:48 PM

#11825 RE: TMMI Believer #11815

Called YOUR BLUFF TB and called the number you gave for the patent office just like I called Jay's bluff and called the Director of Investor Relations for Raytheon. All you get is a message to leave a message and an email address to find out more about the patent office. So, clearly you got your information from the company management or lawyers. But that's OK since my point was that there is no injunction and you confirmed that, not that it will slow some down as they never worry about whether they are saying the truth or not.