At the moment a biotech company, I'm in is waiting for approval. The CHMP has put the company on their agenda atthe end of august. The outcome will be next week, somewhere between 22 - 24th . The overal outcome is very positiv. Nearly two years it took to come this far. The medicin has Orphan status!!
6 weeks ago the shareprice rices from AUS $1.75 till $4,00. The last three weeks it went down from those 4 dollars today AUS $2,35. Usual trades volume 70.000 and higher, in the downtrend not more then 12000 a day, mostly below the 10.000. Neext week monday, tuesday this trend can go on.
It shows to me that there is great support, still the trend is down, nearly no one wants to sell anymore because they are convinced the company will get approval.
In such a situation it's easy to bring the shareprice down. Why? Untill next week the company is not allowed to give the Market further information. So if you want to buy cheap, small amounts, you will certainly have them very cheap.
The same is going here. Everyone here who trades in AMBS is convinced that AMBS is on the right track.MANF has a great future, of course if granted. Within a few months it's going to generate income with Lympro. The possibility of a partner in a short period of time. The overal positiv news gerald has brought us.
Lots of news which we had brought the shareprice in an uptrend very fast, not slowly!! That's also the moment you have to be alert. Why?
The downtrend occurs also very rappidly whit lack of " interesting" news during a longer .period.
Of course it's interesting to know that Gerald has asked Orphan Status for Manf but that's all.
What I believe is that the overall boardmembers show faith but staying critical. But also want to make money
I'm certain the downtrend doesn't continue very long. It's gonna be more and more to risky to sell. Two and a half months to go and so much news on the agenda untill the end of the year.
If you sell now you're gambling with your money.
In the case of the company I mentioned it's easy to buy or sell. Why? The company is in a silent mode until after the 24th of this month. It's easy trading with small amounts.