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10/15/14 8:58 PM

#31252 RE: santcruz #31251

Between the various MKM entities, it looks to be more like something on the order of 70M shares.


10/15/14 9:21 PM

#31253 RE: santcruz #31251

I believe your math is correct. The "investment manager" and "managing member" connections/relationships are confusing but I believe they are overlapping and thus multiple parties share "power" over the same total number of shares.


10/16/14 9:21 AM

#31282 RE: santcruz #31251

March 2009 David Skriloff Quote:

He said his fund likes greentech companies too, primarily those that are developing technologies or gear, rather than those that are generating electricity. He mentioned a company with a technology developed at Rice University for a new photovoltaic approach that works with the entire light spectrum, and not just visible sunlight. As a result, it can product ‘solar’ electricity even at night, and has no carbon footprint at all. Ideally the technology will lend itself to being silkscreened onto any surface: a roof, for instance. But the identity of that company remains secret, until, one supposes, MKM has completed its investment.