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10/15/14 10:59 AM

#15717 RE: Johnny4profits #15704

This is disappointing:

"Number of the issuer’s common stock outstanding as of October 14, 2014: 4,115,190,420"

Toxic is not cashing in fast enough, it's causing increase to 18% default and carryover interest expenses. Multiplying Toxic's take. What's worse, The only hope for this POS is to reverse split 5,000 to 1. Of course that would also be dependent on actually making some dam money, which it aint!.. But if it were, post reverse split wouldn't be so dam Volatile!..

I.E. had there been an improvement, they added how many more HD stores in 4th quarter? , and from that, have had an income total sales from home depot of a lousy 118k per quarter?? Spent over 6.8 million dollars on it and brought in friggen $472k? Oh GEEZ!!

CEO ConMan!?? FIRE YOUR SELF!! without pay, without benefits, no compensations, zip, zero, RUN! , FRIGEN IDIOT!! Take your idiot pal, chief tech officer who's making termite food! Vouzzo with you!

Anyway, with toxic still hanging on so deeply, as they continue to cash-out,, this is going to .0001 then 10,000 to 1 reverse split, and Toxic still has a major grip!.

Had they continued to cash out, diluted the whole 10 billion, or at least doubled by now 8 billion out, and nearly readied for reverse split now,, that debt would be much lower, and after split less volatile..

Obviously not what toxic wants because, they make more money with volatile markets.

What a dam waste of good money!

>.0001 is destiny! huge volatility continues until BK is filed.