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10/14/14 7:44 PM

#90568 RE: Austinvball #90567

Welcome to World of junior miners?


10/14/14 9:46 PM

#90569 RE: Austinvball #90567

" our money "

Stop saying our money, you are not part of it.... Dahhhh

risk on

10/14/14 10:12 PM

#90570 RE: Austinvball #90567

"loan DEFAULT(take a guess at how much of our money this company pays in charges EVERY DAY!) "

Until they don't/ can't , and then it's legal action, ie , law suit to collect.

The #1 protection from suits for a co....BK declaration, at that point all suits attempting to collect monies owed become null, and then the BK judge divides assets, wait, WHAT ASSETS?!


10/14/14 10:57 PM

#90571 RE: Austinvball #90567

Sorry, your problem is a broken record from the past. Close your eyes and visualize the possibilities in the very near future. All investors should know you gotta spend money on possibilities to make that money. If you want something steady, please put your money in the bank at .001 percent interest. It seems that is more your forte', something constant.


10/15/14 9:33 AM

#90574 RE: Austinvball #90567

Austin ... not sure when you made an original investment in co but the FACTS are that this company has come a long way baby!

And I only buy after I have done a great deal of dd and reviewed the facts.

Now if I was betting on a horse I would have to due a little dd but in the end there would still be a little faith, hoping and crossing your fingers.

There are no investments or bets that don't involve a little blind faith as not all facts are known to all parties involved. Hence the variables to the out come of any bet or investment.

Now based on facts we know that the company has and is moving in a positive direction and operations are taking place. If the co needed funding that would of been announced.

And they got funding.... so not diluting!!!
And what is in the bank? diamonds, gold, ....
What has or is being sold?


10/15/14 10:56 AM

#90577 RE: Austinvball #90567

Check the history.... GF been around for at least a couple years.