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10/14/14 12:29 PM

#76905 RE: Burn Notice88 #76902

Wyoming is another RightSmile "carcass" like in Nevada?

Still 30B AS share structure listed on the state of incorporation papers, still "tax delinquent" still RightSmile and soon the annual list of officers(renewal)is due.

Now the Wyoming RightSmile that controls the share structure is a "carcass" like the one in Nevada that was revoked because Aaron had already secretly moved the "company" to Wyoming and approved his 4th AS increase to 30B while issuing 29B+ with a pre-existing 4.344B OS? How's that work?

Has he moved the company again so no need to pay the taxes due to Wyoming?

Come on. Really?

If the name ever gets changed,(Jan. 2015 will be 3 years of that promise) it will be changed on the papers that control the share structure.