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10/14/14 10:15 AM

#12031 RE: Borntobewild #12030


A company who has since ceased operations, but the stock remains trading, had patented IP for a downloadable app rendering the smart phone inoperable, except for the ability to call 911 or text an emergency contact while in motion by any form of transportation above 10 MPH. Justin Beiber was the spokesperson for the company, it was one of his "causes."

A high school in Boca Raton, FL got a hold of this, two fine young Men took the lead, began a campaign and it spread to 8,000 high schools!

Mom & Dad groups got a hold of this along with the kids and it spread like a wild fire.

One of the two even made an appearance in DC with other representitives to present the product to the NTSB, the DOT was then involved, and today best of my latest info, over 35 states and growing, made it against the law to text and drive, with heavy traffic fines, even one's license suspension for a year for repeat offenders.

When parents of Alex Brown lost their lovely daughter as a result of texting while driving, they started a foundation.

So, what we have here guys and gals, is patented IP that does what we've been talking about, the primary purpose being anti bullying and sexting, monitor web surfing to inappropriate sites, inappropriate photos etc being sent by your son/daughter or receiving such be it wanted by them or not, and GUESS WHAT? The patent also covers what the above mentioned product could do, and the company says the software will be added with these features "early next year." Lets just say for the sake of discussion, when we are ready to launch iOS capability, say no later than end of June, 2015...WE'LL HAVE IT ALL...catch my drift?

Does this better explain why I bought into this stock?

Here we are folks, with a product that can change society for the good, help protect the nations youth, with a windfall, if one owns the stock, making a few bucks at the same time.

When seat belts, anti lock breaks, air bags, other various safety features were getting designed into vehichles of all sorts, it made our drivers and passengers safer right? Did people who owned stock in companies who designed these products, along with owning shares in GM, Ford etc make money off of it?

See where I'm coming from gang...