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10/13/14 11:24 PM

#101867 RE: nnvcbob #101863

Bob, they sent, after how many months a (token) amount?

What does that tell you?

Think about the bigger picture.

That Ebola may very well represent millions that can pass from the shell to the IP holder with nothing ever really happening in the end.

Kinda like what's happening now.

Basically nothing.

Did you check out the boiler plate 10K posts here?

That should tell you something.



10/15/14 5:29 PM

#102092 RE: nnvcbob #101863

Can anybody give me an intelligent reason why we were falsely told 1000 grams of Flucide per batch was being produced in the unscaled-up old lab in just 12 weeks only to come to find out that after a year they only produced 200 grams annually or one-fifth the 12-week rate?

1000 grams in 0.23 years we now know is bullshit.
200 grams in 1.0 years is reality.

It takes 2,067% more time to get the same results as we were led to believe. Anybody have a clue WTF happened? Doesn't seem like Seymour wants to tell us as he is busy raising money then enjoying a great lifestyle in part from that money.


10/16/14 1:39 AM

#102120 RE: nnvcbob #101863

Hey bob!
Great question!
I cannot wait to meet you in Hawaii, you bring a lot to the board.



10/16/14 8:32 AM

#102123 RE: nnvcbob #101863

nnvcbob: I know they have not begun testing the same way I've known everything, ONE of my sources. BASi has not commenced (as in begun the actual testing, not the peeping and receiving of materials as some have introduced as "the beginning of testing") any testing on Flucide. They were as surprised by the lack of materials delivery and need to alter their contracted and agreed upon testing as anyone. They were aware of the shortcoming of materials delivery a while ago, but at that time, they were shocked at the scale of under delivery. They had always been discussing KG's with NNVC, and then NNVC says "we need to retying how we can do testing with significantly less materials" Why would NNVC have to say that if there were not serious production capability issues.

But don't listen to me, read the 10K. It specifically says they do not yet have the proper equipment in THE EXISTiNG LAB. Don't be fooled into thinking they were waiting for equipment for the new lab (they were, but that WAS NOT what was specifically referenced in the 10K.)

Read it.

Even if you account for the wrong information one of my sources was told directly from Seymour, I have been far more accurate with letting the board know of progress and announcements than NNVC's management has been.

Look at the record, it speaks for itself.