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10/11/14 12:16 AM

#2602 RE: stockmama22 #2600

You are utterly transparent, S.P. :)


10/12/14 8:32 PM

#2607 RE: stockmama22 #2600

I won't be going to Santa Clara.

I wrote Alan Meckler and asked to be taken off the speaker's list. I was also going to speak in San Fran. at the China / World 3D Printing Industry Alliance in November which I also had to cancel. China's government is opening a big center in San Fran. for China/U.S. 3DP cooperation efforts and this event will be the grand opening of the center.

My dad (82 years old) had a heart attack last week- they tried to get the blockage open with a stent in the cardiac cath lab, and the stent closed down immediately- so they rushed him off to emergency open heart surgery. That was Thursday night. He's still on life support, but doing better today- so hopefully they can get some of the tubes out of him tomorrow. That's the plan anyway.

He'll have a long recovery due to his age, and I'm his only immediate family left. So there was no way I was going to California for a week- or even a few days when he's here in Florida. He's always been there for me and I need to be here for him now. conference for me in October.