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10/10/14 11:28 AM

#55875 RE: nsomniyak #55872

I think from here ($0.70) it's more than a double if en banc is granted... could easily hit $2... but I still believe the odds are against it (granting en banc review)

but the timetable for "when" the decision comes is hard to predict

en banc petition will be filed later this month, but it will take time for the active CAFC judges to vote on the matter (assuming one of them calls for a vote, but I suspect because of Chen's dissent at least one will call for a vote)

no way to know if it takes a month or much longer than a month for the voting process

it's NOT a transparent process and the world will be kept in the dark until the day CAFC releases its decision on granting/denying en banc


10/10/14 11:29 AM

#55876 RE: nsomniyak #55872

I can't say if it would get back to 3.00, but it absolutely could because the en banc review would essentially be a redo of the appeal and we were at 3.00+ during the appeal.

Granting the en banc review has .5% chance. After that, a reversal has a much higher probablity than .5%. This is why I see the granting of the review as the big slingshot to take us above 3.00 because it is the biggest hurdle (not that the other hurdle is small just comparable to the initial appeal).