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10/08/14 10:35 AM

#22131 RE: nyt #22127

What I say, and what all of us say here, is, by definition, conjecture, since we are all (presumably) not insiders, and are, therefore offering our own personal take on events from outside of the inner circle. I offer only my spin on things, as I relate the bits of official information that comes forth to possible connections to what is already known about the past.

What has been cast off includes R. Kipping...Mattera resigned last year, since his time and service was complete, and there was no longer a need for his contribution on the current BOD, and a very complete change in methodology and leadership from the shenanigans led by Kipping in the very early days of this stock. From where I sat, Mattera's role, in a large way, was keeping Kipping from destroying this company by his very nature and inclinations. He was no longer needed once Kipping was out of the picture. Digifonica, et al is a fairly recent iteration, in terms of history, and it's onboarding including the current BOD, with the exception of Chang, has signaled effectively a brand new company, in spirit, value and operation, if not necessarily on paper - with little or no ties to the past. The early stages of Magic Jack, points phone, etc. were merely the tentative prodding and early ideas coming to fruition that put this stock in touch with, in connection to, and eventually, to acquire Digifonica.

So, just as a scientist might abandon his, or her earliest processes and inquiries that were the first sparks of imagination that later led to much more vital discoveries, some the early plans around the VOIP business model have been weighed, measured, and abandoned in favor of a plan that has merit to work. I think it's like, "we've stumbled onto something that is going to be very important in the future - we know it's valuable, but how exactly will it fit in?" There were some early avenues that were abandoned before the vision of the current path came about. It's important to point out that the activities VPLM (not named that at the time) and what Digifonica, et al were doing ten years ago were two very different things. Their marriage is a coming together of two groups of people who joined forces as they both were intrigued by the VOIP question, from different angles, at the same time. I see Chang as the bridge between the former company and the Digifonica people - and as such, he will remain as part of the current version of this company. The rest has fallen away.

Again, I stress that I was only an investor back then, looking from the sidelines, not inside the inner workings, so my take from then, and from now, is from looking at the result of actions, and how they seemed to affect the stock - not being an active insider. If anyone involved takes offense with my spin on it - I can only say - this is how it has looked from the outside.

In some ways, there is still uncertainty about the highest and best path for this patent suite to take. Is this a complete Telco blueprint? Are these patents that are better utilized by merging with an existing Telco? Would the value be better used as a hammer or threat against competitors? That is what the industry and major players are currently deciding, and putting a value on, IMHO. Why hasn't Goliath swooped in yet? I think there's a possibility, when you are big enough, and know, that push comes to shove, if you wait to see if the little guy is just going to burn himself out, and you can afford to take that gamble, you sit by, quietly watching, hoping for a chance to swoop in. Knowing that worst case scenario, you can afford to pay more later, if it turns out, the little guy was right.