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10/08/14 6:57 AM

#5431 RE: Chris Johnson #5430

A rising tide typically floats all boats and competition only further legitimizes and defines a market. Currently AG is the only company that has spray painted a food machine and called it MJ. Why do you think every 22 year old hippie stoner HAS NOT done the same?

Because spray painting food machines and placing them as unapproved MJ dispensing units does not build a legitimate market. But I will acknowledge that currently AG has this illegitimate market cornered all by themselves.

I welcome REGULATED/APPROVED MARKETS and the vendor(s) that bring to market these approved MJ dispensing machine first will torpedo your unapproved Zaaz...Zzasss...ZIST food machines. Btw if you believe the hype on those patents I have a golden goose I can sell you at a really great price.

As far as Samsung and Apple do you not see that competition makes products better? Who's the innovator that made smartphones bigger? I will give you a hint it wasn't Tim Cook at Apple...FYI ;)