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10/07/14 10:38 PM

#49744 RE: T-Do #49740

Really!? It is hard to read the real intent from these types of stuff. Is this sarcasm or legitimate news? If legit, where are you getting your resources? Haven't been on this board for a while ... So please excuse any ignorance on my part if I might have missed something.

It's sarcasm. Sorry if you are a shareholder and I offended you. This guy Parilla pisses me off and sarcasm tends to be my outlet. (Luckily I was never a shareholder.)

Tom said on an interview, a few days (or maybe just one day) before FRTD was suspended, that his goal was for FRTD to be listed on the NASDAQ. The podcast interviewer just ate it up. I believe those guys, which included The Wolf of Weed Street (obligatory LOL), were given free shares. Someone else can probably confirm this. It was an offensive interview as a whole.

Tom Parilla bit off more than he could chew. He had the psychopathy needed to intentionally mislead shareholders in a scam like FRTD, but he lacked the business acumen and general intelligence. It blew up in his face before he could dump. Now, his reputation and "company" are both extinct.

But I guess he still has his stake in RadioIO. The next great competitor to Sirius XM. (Okay, THAT was sarcasm.)


10/08/14 10:26 AM

#49746 RE: T-Do #49740

IMO those posts were nothing short of sarcasm, or better yet, a ruse to get some naive types to buy so they could sell at .001. the day the post was made saw much more buying/selling then usual.
on the other hand, the attempt to bring the price down? who the hell knows what is going on but i can't see any point in selling any shares at this price. it's the ole, "chalk up your loses and move one." no harm in holding IMO people can guess about any thing