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Replies to post #1117 on Cancer

Replies to #1117 on Cancer


10/06/14 7:44 PM

#1118 RE: NYBob #1117

Stay away from EMF cell phones and the EMF cell tower radiation -
The War On Cancer - Why We Are Losing -

EMF Cell Tower Radiation Power - from 1/2 watt to 50,000 watt power -
they are all against humanity and blow torch cancer to the people -

the people has to Wake UP and say NO to all EMF towers radiation -
if we allow one EMF cell tower radiation -

one EMF cell tower radiation will set a presidency for 1 - 100s more -
1/2 watt cell radiation will go to millions of watt radiation waves -
before to late Say NO to any cell radiation waves -

EMF tower radiation from 1/2 watt to 50,000 watt power or more -
EMF tower radiation are all to much and.
EMF Radiation Total Against All Humanity -

The Health is our Real Wealth -
God Bless.


10/27/14 4:23 PM

#1173 RE: NYBob #1117

One More Million saved from cancer etc. -

Washington state radio five EMFR towers near border in Tsawwassen turned down -

Read more:

Cell Phone Use Lead to Harmful Effects in Children. Birds, Bees and People, Wildlife, Cancer etc. -
Children & Cell Phone Exposure =.
Behavioral Problems, Headaches, Neurological Damage, and Hearing Loss -

Mothers and fathers –.
do not use cell phones around your children!

Pregnant women – avoid cell phone use, as it can harm your unborn child!

Mothers of children – do not allow your children to use cell phones.
for any reason.

We can see, on a daily basis, that it has become common, inside of just a.
few years, for parents to let cell phones be ” babysitters” for their.
children – amusing them so the parent can be occupied with other pursuits.

In the grocery store, we can easily view mothers using cell phones.
right by their babies’ or toddlers’ heads, even letting them teethe on.
the rubbery skin of a cell phone.

Older children have their own cell phones, despite the dangers.
Would these parents continue cell phone exposures to their children if.
they knew these could produce lasting health and behavioral effects?

We think not. Parents, put the cell phones away, turn them off.

Use them for emergencies only.

Give your child your attention and protect them from harm.

Israeli cell phone company to compensate customer who contracted cancer -

Partner’s move in the settlement is rare and could set a precedent.
for further lawsuits. Photo by Dan Keinan.

Israeli cell phone company to compensate customer who contracted cancer -

Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the name Orange,
will pay NIS 400,000 to a customer who contracted cancer in his ear.

By Hila Raz and Amitai Ziv | Mar.03, 2013 | 3:00 PM Haareetz/Israel.

US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights -

A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations &.

Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons -

Confronting “Electro Pollution” and Smart Meter Toxification -
“Occupy Your Home”:

Health Impacts of Radio Frequency (RF) Microwave Emissions.

Smart Meter Dangers: The Health Hazards of Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure -

The Latest from Dr. David O. Carpenter

Cell Towers In Residential Neighborhood: Crimes Against Humanity!

The believer is in Father God's hand now has peace with Him and is His friend - Praise The Lord -

Good Health Is Our Wealth -
God Bless