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10/06/14 6:58 AM

#50505 RE: riklee #50504

Advertising rates are based off the expected number of impressions an ad will get on a web page. Therefore there must be a a trusted independent 3rd party source for this information available to prospective advertisers.

I'm not an expert in this area, but I'm sure we've got some SEM/SEO professionals on this board that can answer this.


10/06/14 7:18 AM

#50506 RE: riklee #50504

I'm not worried about the youtube views.

How big a part of your business is on YouTube relative to off?
In terms of audience it's 50/50.

And financial?
We make five times more money on off-YouTube video than on-YouTube.

Do you push those creators onto Daily Motion or Yahoo?
What were doing with the producers on YouTube is see where are the talents, and cherry pick all the talents and help them create better and new programs. We can use them worldwide to make them go anywhere.

This is Europe's most used video web site...177,004 views


10/06/14 7:26 AM

#50507 RE: riklee #50504

IMO youtube's MCN market is about to take a bit hit. Companies and people are realizing they can make more money else where. That's why is in the right spot at the right time. Red hot market with new and untapped money coming in.


10/06/14 7:49 AM

#50510 RE: riklee #50504

First off... If you go right to the bottom of the site

You will notice a Twitter, Facebook and an email icon, they do not have a Youtube icon because they dont want people going there, they want people coming to our site.

The reason there are a few videos on Youtube is for the sole purpose of bringing people to us, so if someone happens to stumble on the Youtube videos, they will easily find their way to

The other point I would like to make is that you need to imagine for a minute is in your own city. Would you not check them out to see whats coming up, whats going on and what has already played at certain venues ? is at the moment a local success. How many performances do they have per night ? 25-35 every night!

Now how many people on average play in one show? 4-7?
How many people are attending the show 100-400 depending on the venue?

So now all these guys performing and attending are telling their friends, families, co-worker, etc... All because they want to be noticed, (Remember...this costs nothing for

So for 1 of those persons playing/attending you have parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, co-workers girl/boyfriends, ex girl/boyfriends, fans, friends, and facebook friends lol wanting at some level to take a Gander at the person they know that will or might be spotted live.

And now, How many are fans of the local bands and cannot attend the show and wish they could and instead will be watching the stream? Lets say 100-1000 ? Maybe more.

How many are fans of the venue that might not be able to attend ? 100-1000 ?

And then to top it all off, how many pageviews are all these people viewing on any given night? 5-10 each ?

As you can see, the 60-70% of out traffic I believe is from New York and its surrounding, the rest probably is comprised of National and international viewer's.

Now when Nashville goes online, the same will be happening over there. is a personal experience, and that my friend is a brilliant idea :-)


10/06/14 9:03 AM

#50521 RE: riklee #50504

agree...5,OOO,OOO,OOO A/s don't help either


10/06/14 9:07 AM

#50522 RE: riklee #50504

You said it all right here. If revenues have gone up than that's all we need to know. Facebook likes and YouTube views make no revenue. We are invested in the stock and revenues are thr number 1 thing to drive a stock price up. If revs keep going up what does that tell you...