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10/05/14 11:54 PM

#100943 RE: ronin86 #100940

For EbolaCide the first funding will be nothing that can be pointed directly to as funding. It will be BSL 4 lab spec along with a team to test both in vitro and in vivo. Those spaces are expensive, and the funding benefit to NNVC will be indirect. One question would be whether or not culture and animal studies will be concurrent to save time or culture will be run first before approval of animal testing. The latter is standard protocol, but concurrent testing can be approved if urgent enough.

After that, if successful, large Primates will be the next indirect funding at several times the cost, never mind the large amounts of EbolaCide that would need to be produced.

My guess would be several million to tens of millions in direct funds would be available after successful rescue of Primates.