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10/04/14 5:02 PM

#236835 RE: Firexcpro #236831

We know NTEK has digitized AT LEAST 17 games, & the player
can choose which board to play. NTEK has a home/office version:
Pinball Wizard 1 that comes stock with 12 tables:

Lots of tech to allow a company to license & exploit the Pinball
markets are currently in place. We know this. We have seen the
pictures, the tables, anyone who has visited NanoTech has seen
PW2, MultiPin, PW1 has been for sale AS LONG AS I have been
following this company & still is:


PinBall Wizard 2

MultiPin PinBall Game


NEW NTEK Advantage-Play PinBall for GAMING:


NanoTech Partners with James Industries to Bring State-of-the-Art
Player Advantage System to the Gaming Industry

James Industries named Exclusive Representative for NanoTech Gaming Labs Division

NTEK is making a statement here & has many upgrades, patents-pending & technologies to offer the Baby-boomers, nostalgia,
casual-play, gaming, at home &/or in the casino markets...
WORLD-WIDE...& ANYONE can pick-up PinBall & enjoy non-violent,
family-fun entertainment. And, NTEK has the technology-ready
products that a company like Bally is sure to be interested in:

[] VEGAS2047
[] MutiPin PinBall
[] Pinball Wizard 2
[] 17 Digitized Games
[] 4 Patents to license (for PinBall &/or ANY OTHER current game)!!

ALL INNOVATIVE, all near-market ready, & ALL AVAILABLE NOW!!!

NTEK's Silicon Valley Headquarters, Offices, & Warehouse!!


10/04/14 6:46 PM

#236847 RE: Firexcpro #236831

I love Pinball. I used to play for hours back in the 70's. I would play half the day, rack up a bunch of free games and then sell them to the next person waiting to get on the machine.


10/04/14 11:00 PM

#236879 RE: Firexcpro #236831

Pinball is a great game you can sit on a stool or you can stand there and play it

I will have to disagree with that contention. Only video games, gambling or non, like packman which uses a center control console have been ergonomic with a sit down table game. Flippers are very rarely for a sit at table game, and no one realistically plays two flipper pinball sitting down. It just isn't conductive to two handed pinball. And people don't want to work at gambling more than they have to.

Interesting concept which I think may have a niche thing in smaller corner bars than full casinos, but the whole game thing by ntek looks thrown together just to get in this show with no game plan beyond 2 months on the drawing board. That's the main problem I see with everything ntek, doing stuff as it happens, then making excuses when the newest idea doesn't pan out and they have to scramble for another idea to justify stock sales...

There's no corporate substance with ntek, no consistency, just promises and excuses when those are broken. Anyone see a pattern here with ntek?