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04/14/06 9:59 PM

#71666 RE: bobs10 #71665


See my previous post.

Constraint due to planning/product mix, as you point out, was a minor issue according to Dirk. He made it clear AMD was not capacity constrained. Beyond this, there is nothing in your previous posts to support the following:

"I wonder how well the P4/Pd would have done if AMD hadn't be severely capacity constrained during most of that period. It's becoming increasing clear that the only thing that kept AMD from huge market gains during the period was a lack of capacity."

You are admitting you heard Dirk say AMD was not capacity constrained and you still believe in what you said above?

I've said before, but here goes again; there at least 2 flavors of capacity constraint.

There is one kind. You are asked to output n+1 items but can only output n. That is constrained.

Not constrained means: AMD was able to output n items, but consumers only asked for n-1

The other kind is the type that keeps OEMs and others from using AMD products because they are unsure once they've committed that AMD will be able to deliver.

You are talking generalities (AMD's ability to be a dependable deliverer of supply) and this sentence is meaningless to the question I raised above. I think you are struggling with the reality of what Dirk said.