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10/02/14 12:26 PM

#22518 RE: Geoman1 #22517

It's too bad you can't sue them to get some of your money back, but usually these scam artists cover themselves in legal boilerplate for protection.

I remember another mining scam where their boilerplate all but admitted it was all BS, but they count on people not reading it.


10/06/14 3:56 PM

#22522 RE: Geoman1 #22517

I didn't lose as much as you did(close)..but they sure scammed me too. I think Solanty was part of the scam....


10/10/14 5:12 PM

#22523 RE: Geoman1 #22517

Most small or pinky mining plays are scams.

There's more money for them if the precious metals stay in the ground. That way the owner can lease out the rights over and over. And each one of those new leases is a new scam that will never remove anything from the land but will remove money from investors.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I tried my best to spread the word, but I didn't want to sound like a broken record.