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04/14/06 4:43 PM

#246653 RE: bepop12345 #246647

Jack's an entertainer, not a financier. But he's right about his show: it was excellent.

Starting up a network probably takes a hundred million dollars or more. No problem: a good community-based GLBT network with professional, credible management can attract that kind of cash. Olsen & Schenk could not. They made a HUGE mistake: they lied repeatedly to their shareholders and creditors. So dumb! The stock market stopped trading their stock and their creditors cut them off. The law of the market prevailed, as always: capital flows only to those who manage it well.

If they were honest, kept proper accounting records and maintained transparency, they'd still be there building this network. I don't think honesty was in their nature. They were slimeball businessmen better suited to running a gay nightclub somewhere, not a public venture.


04/14/06 4:57 PM

#246654 RE: bepop12345 #246647

Nice find, bepop.


04/14/06 5:07 PM

#246658 RE: bepop12345 #246647

Great job Bebop!!!!!!!!


04/14/06 5:28 PM

#246661 RE: bepop12345 #246647

Jack's a sharp guy... very refreshing.


04/14/06 7:04 PM

#246670 RE: bepop12345 #246647



04/14/06 11:29 PM

#246720 RE: bepop12345 #246647

really don't care if they fuck boxes of cereal as long as they pay back the employees that the numb nuts who ran the place before failed to pay.

ok. This guy rocks. Go Jack.

IL Padrino

04/15/06 2:38 AM

#246731 RE: bepop12345 #246647

Nice article. Although, I completely disagree with JJ and I think he has a distorted view on reality, I think that he is the right person for the work he does.
I don't really care for his opinions, but they are probably what most gay people think so they will watch him.