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10/01/14 11:23 AM

#180465 RE: The Northern Light #180460

WHAT??? If Calkin is speaking in Colorado about there not being a market for recreational marijuana they will laugh him out of the state.

Robert Calkin speaking about recreational marijuana in Colorado and how there is no market. He states the market is in medical cannabis with products like CBD oils, tinctures, vaporizers, hemp-infused products and edibles. This is what Green Cures is all about!
CEO of Green Cures! CEO of Cannabis Career Institute! CEO of Cannajobs!

Did you read what you have posted and have you read anything about marijuana sales in Colorado.

If Calkin did say this - then GRCU is doomed to failure.

September 11: Colorado marijuana tax revenues surge as recreational sales surpass medical

New revenue figures out of Colorado show that legal recreational marijuana sales have surpassed medical marijuana sales.

Your posting is doing more harm than good for GRCU.



10/01/14 11:38 AM

#180476 RE: The Northern Light #180460

This is a very bad sign for shareholders.

In the YouTube video you posted:

Calkin is introduced as the CEO of the Cannabis Career Institute.

And it was about tax revenue and when you post:

He states the market is in medical cannabis with products like CBD oils, tinctures, vaporizers, hemp-infused products and edibles.

He didn't mention CBD products or GRCU.

The video was Uploaded on Sep 4, 2014. Sept 03, 2014 Interview with Arise Xchange on free market in Colorado.