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Black Beerd

10/01/14 10:26 AM

#15632 RE: ITYS #15631

"Seems to post but never seems to answer any questions? "

To be fair, there is no good answer to offer. I think those are knee jerk comments pretty typical of witnessing your trust and belief in this company blow up. The Kool-Aid is clearly some pretty addictive stuff in pinkyland.

"Can you clarify as to what Eco would be selling to"

LOL, typical... it's part of the hope dream and wish phase as the PPS and company find new lows.

" .. "being bought out at for a pretty sum" "

Easiest answer of all... with no real assets and a balance sheet like theirs....NOTHING TO BUY. Actually ECOB would have to be paying someone to even look at the books. No one will take on that kind of monthly losses that they have reported. Any exec entertaining this as a buyout would be shown the door before the apt could be realized.