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learning curve

09/30/14 9:34 PM

#750 RE: capitan_voegol #749

I did so very reluctantly....

I had no choice; I was virtually all in... My wife cut me off on taking a payday loan on my car (only asset) to leverage my position if BRL/USD continued on this ridiculous run.

My position to protect myself was sell at $5 if the trading in Brasil was bad as well. The trading in Brasil was terrible yesterday. I am willing to re-enter above my sell price if trading and currency takes a more positive trend....maybe I'll get luck and re-enter around $4?

I completely agree with your take on Brasil. I also believe the stock could be valued at $10+, depending on BRL/USD.

The Market is telling us NO WAY; I don't agree, but I also don't make the price.

We will see...

My short term concerns are: that the world cup tourism didn't make up enough of a difference for lack of business in Q3. This could lead to a FALSE IMPRESSION that Brasil is indeed in a recession. 3 Q's in a row with a negative GDP....(technical recession extended)

I am absolutely confident that no matter who is President Q4 and Q1 numbers will be huge across the board for Brasil! ESPECIALLY GOL. The only weakness may be commodity producing companies as you stated; but I believe they may also surprise to the positive side!

I am NOT scared by Brasil; I am actually more confident than ever before. I am protecting my capital and attempting to put myself in the best possible position for Q1-Q2 2015!

I may even buy back tomorrow? We will see....

learning curve

10/20/14 9:41 PM

#753 RE: capitan_voegol #749

Hey captain, how are you? What's your position status?
I'm sitting on sideline here and waiting for over reation to Dilma winning. If neves wins I plan on shorting any gap up.....

The adr seems to be applied pressure to local exchange....freeing up cash as we speak.

Your thoughts appreciated.
Everywhere else is full of : going up, going down, I told you so, no I told you so....bla bla bla....
Ideas and accountability are at all time lows....