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10/15/14 5:52 AM

#229161 RE: F6 #228841

Gay marriage opponent Perkins calls recent Supreme Court move on gay marriage 'back alley maneuver'

Video [embedded]

Same-sex marriage becoming the law of the land?
Ted Olson and Tony Perkins on impact of this week's Supreme Court decision
( , ; complete show, with the Perkins v. Olsen segment beginning just after the 4:00 mark, at )

[ (with comments), also at (no comments yet)]
Published October 12, 2014

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council president and outspoken opponent of gay marriage, said Sunday that the Supreme Court effectively deciding last week to allow states to handle the issue is a “back alley maneuver” and that the debate is “not going away.”

The Supreme Court on Monday denied appeals from five states seeking to retain their bans on same-sex marriage.

Perkins argued in a debate on "Fox News Sunday" with former Bush administration Solicitor General Ted Olson that the justices’ announcement was comparable to how those on the high court handled the landmark, 1970's abortion case Roe v. Wade.

The high court essential decided that state laws are unconstitutional if they say abortions are illegal if performed outside of trying to save the mother’s life. However, the court also left states some authority to regulate abortions in the later stages of pregnancy.

“The court did a back alley type, Roe v. Wade judicial decision, by letting the lower courts do their evil bidding,” Perkins said. “This is an unprecedented decision. … What we see here, I believe, is that the court has lit a fuse to a powder keg, culturally, that is going to have ramifications for years to come in this nation.”

Right now, at least 12 states have approved same-sex marriage through voter referendums or legislative action, while lower courts have approved them in roughly 15 other states.

On the argument that non-elected judges are perhaps unfairly making such decisions, Olson said they protect Americans in states in which one political party controls elected government.

“We have protection from majority,” he said, “an independent judiciary to protect the rights of citizens.”

Olson also said nobody can say what the justices were thinking in their recent announcement, but he speculated they decide not to weigh in after seeing the “overwhelming trend” of federal courts handling the issue “in an appropriate and proper way.”

Perkins, when asked what impact gay marriage will have on his life, pointed to a same-sex couple perhaps living near his home, which would create conflicts with the ideal of marriage -- between man and woman -- that he teaches his children.

“You want the sky to fall because two people that are living next door to you -- what court after court after court has said that allowing people of the same sex to marry the person that they love and be a part of our community and to be treated equally has -- does no damage to heterosexual marriage,” Olsen responded.

Said Perkins: “If love is the issue, what are the (next) boundaries.”

Olson also argued that the non-appointed justices rightfully made clear in 1967 that bans on interracial marriages are unconstitutional.

“We’re talking about apples and oranges here,” Perkins responded. “There is a boundary between people of the same sex getting married. They can’t procreate. There’s nothing in nature to say that’s normal.”

©2014 FOX News Network, LLC [with (over 5,000) comments]


Tony Perkins: We 'know' from social science that children do best with a mom and a dad

October 12th, 2014


Judge overturns Alaska's same-sex marriage ban that dates to 1998

Chad Biggs, left, and his fiancé, Chris Creech, say their wedding vows at the Wake County Courthouse in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday, October 10, after a federal judge ruled that same-sex marriage can begin there.

By Saeed Ahmed, CNN
updated 12:53 AM EDT, Mon October 13, 2014

(CNN) -- In 1998, Alaska became the first of two states to pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

On Sunday, a federal judge overturned the 16-year ban, saying the Constitution guarantees equal protection to all.

The judge's ruling makes Alaska the latest state where gay and lesbian couples can legally marry.

"The plaintiffs in this case do not ask the court to recognize an entirely new fundamental right to same-sex marriage; rather, plaintiffs wish to participate in the existing liberty granted to other couples to make a deeply personal choice about a private family matter," U.S. District Judge Timothy Burgess wrote in his 25-page ruling [ ttp:// ].

Alaska says it will appeal.

"As Alaska's governor, I have a duty to defend and uphold the law and the Alaska Constitution," Gov. Sean Parnell said [ ].

But how much luck the state will have going that route remains to be seen.

An appeal will take the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which last week ruled against Idaho and Nevada in similar cases.

First-in-the-nation ban

Alaska passed its amendment in 1998 and joined Hawaii as the first of two states to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

At the time, Alaska said the ban "does not target anybody or deny anybody their rights."

Burgess said it does.

"By singling out homosexual couples and banning their ability to marry an individual of their choosing, it is impossible to assert that all Alaskans are equal under the state's laws."

Five gay couples sued the state in May to get the constitutional amendment overturned.

Another victory

Sunday's ruling is yet another victory for supporters of same-sex marriage.

In a surprise move on October 6, the Supreme Court refused to get involved in the constitutional debate over same-sex marriage. That decision allowed same-sex couples to wed legally in five states -- Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Indiana and Wisconsin.

Then, a three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit concluded the bans in Idaho and Nevada violated the equal protection rights of homosexuals to legally marry.

On Friday, a federal judge in North Carolina ruled that same-sex marriage can begin there.

"Alaska had the misfortune of being the first state, in 1998, to ban equal marriage and bake discrimination into our constitution," said Joshua Decker, executive director of the Alaska ACLU. "Today's decision allows Alaskans to marry and to have their outside marriages recognized here. This victory brings equal rights to thousands of Alaskan couples who are in loving, committed relationships."

Like dominoes falling

Here's where things stand. At least 27 states now allow same-sex marriage -- an increase of at least 13 states since the beginning of the month.

Those states are: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington state and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia.

Eight more states, including Alaska, could soon legalize it, after the cases wind their way through the federal appeals process: Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, North Carolina, Montana, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming.

CNN's Bill Mears contributed to this report.

© 2014 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.


The GOP's Hate Summit: A Who's Who Of The 2014 Values Voter Summit

Submitted by Drew Courtney on Monday, 9/22/2014 11:37 am

This weekend, Republican elected officials including Sen. Ted Cruz [ , ], Sen. Rand Paul [ ], and Gov. Bobby Jindal [ ] will take part in what has become an annual ritual for potential GOP presidential contenders: they will seek to curry the favor of the Religious Right by speaking at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit [ ].

In doing so, they put themselves in the company of some of the most radical groups and activists working today to dehumanize LGBT people [ ], roll back reproductive rights [ , ], tear down the wall between church and state [ ], and deny free exercise rights to religious minorities [ ].

The Values Voter Summit [ ]’s sponsor, the Family Research Council [ ], regularly issues false and demeaning smears [ ] about LGBT people and advocates for an America ruled according to the dictates of a small sliver of right-wing Christians. Just this month, the group’s president Tony Perkins suggested that the Constitution’s religious liberty protections do not apply to Muslims [ ].

The other primary sponsors of the event [ ], the American Family Association [ ], Liberty Counsel [ ], and Gary Bauer’s American Values [ ] have equally if not more egregious records of extremism. In addition, a number of fringe groups are contributing to the conference by sponsoring exhibition tables [ ], including Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) [ ], which pushes discredited conversion therapy on LGBT people; the anti-immigrant group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) [ ]; and the World Congress of Families [ ], which works with activists throughout the world to push harsh anti-gay laws.

But the Values Voter Summit’s speakers do not have to visit the event’s exhibition hall to encounter extremism. They will find plenty of that in their fellow speakers. Below is an introduction to some of the speakers who will be sharing a stage with prominent GOP elected officials at this week’s summit.

Tony Perkins [ ]

Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council, the chief sponsor of the Values Voter Summit. Now a widely recognized spokesman for social conservative causes, Perkins served two terms as a Republican legislator in the Louisiana House of Representatives before launching a failed bid for the U.S. Senate in 2002. Perkins has:

• Contended that the anti-bullying “It Gets Better [ ]” project is “immoral,” “disgusting,” and promotes “perversion.”

• Defined efforts by the Obama administration to advance LGBT rights abroad as a push for “radical sexualism [ ]” and “global homosexuality.”

• Praised a Uganda bill [ ] that would have condemned gays and lesbians to death as an effort to “uphold moral conduct that protects others and in particular the most vulnerable.”

• Warned that LGBT rights advocates will launch a holocaust against Christians, placing those that oppose same-sex marriage into “boxcars [ ].”

• Suggested that Christian clergy [ ] who support LGBT rights should not have the same religious liberties as anti-gay conservatives because “true religious freedom” only applies to those he believes hold “orthodox religious viewpoints.”

• Warned that lawmakers who voted to repeal [ ] the military ban on openly gay service members would have “the blood of innocent soldiers on their hands.”

Jerry Boykin [ ]

Retired Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin earned a public rebuke from President George W. Bush [ ] when, as a high-ranking official in the Bush Defense Department, he framed the "War on Terror" as a holy war against Islam [ ]. He has since built a career as a Religious Right speaker, specializing in anti-Muslim rhetoric and anti-Obama conspiracy theories. In 2012, he was named executive vice president of the Family Research Council [ ].

Boykin rejects religious freedom for American Muslims [ ], claiming that Islam “is not just a religion, it is a totalitarian way of life.” In an interview with the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer [ ], he called for “no mosques in America [ ].”

Boykin is a leading member of the dominionist [ ] group The Oak Initiative [ ], and once told the group that President Obama used health care reform legislation as a cover to establish a private army of Brownshirts [ ] loyal just to him. Boykin has also:

• Suggested that the repeal [ ] of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell led to the “absolute destruction of our military.”

• Described [ ] CIA head John Brennan as “very sympathetic to the jihadist cause.”

• Denounced [ ] the repeal of laws banning women from military combat service.

• Blamed the Sandy Hook school massacre on the presence of secularism [ ] in society.

Mat Staver [ ]

Mat Staver is the dean of the Liberty University [ ] School of Law and the founder and chairman of its affiliate, Liberty Counsel, which is a sponsor of the Values Voter Summit. At a previous Values Voter Summit, Staver claimed that progressives are using LGBT rights and secular government in order to “ultimately implode America [ ]” and that the “agenda of the homosexual movement” is to destroy freedom and Western civilization. Through his position at Liberty Counsel, Staver has:

• Suggested that the president was using health care reform to create his own personal army of Brownshirts [ ].

• Claimed that President Obama “does not respect America [ ]” and wants to intentionally cripple the country so he can gain global power.

• Called the legalization of same-sex marriage “the beginning of the end of Western Civilization [ ],” warning it will lead to “forced homosexuality [ ].”

• Claimed that Obamacare has forced Americans to “participate in a genocide [ ]” worse than the persecution that occurred in Nazi Germany.

• Defended Malawi’s law criminalizing homosexuality [ ] and said U.S. opposition to criminalization was “immoral.”

• Alleged that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, if passed, would lead to child molestation, sexual assault, and even death [ ].

Gary Bauer [ ]

Gary Bauer is the president of Values Voter Summit sponsor American Values, a former president of the Family Research Council, and one-time Republican presidential hopeful. While serving in the Reagan administration as a Department of Education official, Bauer was named chairman of the president’s Special Working Group on the Family. Bauer has:

• Reacting to A&E’s suspension of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson for racist and homophobic remarks, declared that progressives are waging [ ] a “jihad against America’s cultural norms,”

• Warned that President Obama is “obsessed” with LGBT issues, and claimed that his “secular” agenda will “destroy” America [ ].

• Claimed that Supreme Court rulings [ ] in favor of same-sex marriage were acts of “judicial terrorism” putting America on “the verge of criminalizing the Book of Genesis.”

• Wondered why African Americans keep “falling through the cracks [ ] of society despite the fact that “every major goal” of Martin Luther King, Jr. has been reached.

Benham Brothers [ , ]

Twin brothers Jason and David Benham were catapulted to national attention this year when an HGTV show that they were set to star in was cancelled [ ] following revelations about their anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-Muslim activism [ ]. Since the show’s cancellation, the brothers have become a cause célèbre for the Religious Right, which has lifted them up [ ] as an example of the supposed persecution of conservative Christians in America [ ]. One or both of the brothers have:

• Asserted that the LGBT equality movement is part of a “spiritual fight [ ]" between God and the “kingdom run by Satan [ ].”

• Urged the city of Charlotte, NC to deny [ ] permits to an LGBT Pride event, calling it a “vile” and “destructive” activity that “should not be allowed in our city.”

• Compared the fight against marriage equality to opposing Nazi Germany [ ].

• Called an Islamic community center a “den of iniquity [ ]” and referred to Muslims as “the enemy attacking" America.

• Organized a prayer rally to coincide with the 2012 Democratic National Convention, declaring that America must repent [ ] for “homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation.”

• Led protests [ ] outside of abortion clinics, praising anti-choice demonstrators for taking a stand at “the gates of hell” and confronting the “altars of Moloch.”

E.W. Jackson [ ]

The 2013 Republican nominee for lieutenant governor of Virginia, E.W. Jackson is a longtime activist who has likened the Democratic Party to the Antichrist [ ], said Planned Parenthood is worse than the Ku Klux Klan [ ], suggested that President Obama is a Muslim [ ] and demonic [ ], and fought against efforts to desegregate public housing [ ]. Jackson’s most pernicious rhetoric has focused on LGBT people. He has:

• Referred [ ] to gays and lesbians as “perverted,” “degenerate,” “spiritually darkened” and “frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally.”

• Criticized abortion and in vitro fertilization as “evils [ ]” that carry “the mark of Satan.”

• Argued that gay marriage will release a “torrent of wickedness [ ]” that will result in man-animal marriages.

• Said homosexuality is connected to pedophilia [ ] and that homosexuality also [ ] “poisons culture, it destroys families, it destroys societies; it brings the judgment of God unlike very few things we can think of.”

Star Parker [ ]

Star Parker is a longtime Religious Right activist who is particularly active in anti-gay and anti-choice advocacy. She has called legal abortion a “genocide [ ]” on par with slavery and the Holocaust and blamed “sexual promiscuity [ ]” for nearly all financial and societal problems. At the 2011 Values Voter Summit, she claimed that God was getting ready to punish America for marriage equality and legal abortion [ ]. Parker has also:

• Declared that LGBT people are forcing Christians “into the closet [ ].”

• Mused that family life for African Americans was “more healthy [ ]” under slavery than it is today

• Argued that the rate of HIV infections in Washington, D.C., would spike once the city legalized marriage equality, “transforming [the city] officially into Sodom [ ].”

• Tied [ ] same-sex marriage to failing public schools.

Todd Starnes [ ]

Todd Starnes, a Fox News commentator and the author of several books including this year’s “God Less America," specializes in generating stories of dubious accuracy [ ] purporting to illustrate the persecution of conservative Christians in America. Recently, he has:

• Speculated that public school officials oppose abstinence-only programs [ ] to protect their “condom profits.”

• Asserted [ ] that Obama refuses to take action against ISIS to “accommodate the Islamic faith at the expense of all other faiths.”

• Blamed Obama for “orchestrating [ ]” the protests in Ferguson, Mo., in an effort to exacerbate racial tensions.

• Baselessly accused the University of Wisconsin of intentionally inflating grades [ ] to boost the academic performance of minority students.

• Worried that LGBT rights advocates will inevitably demand the deportation of Christians [ ].

Sandy Rios [ ]

Sandy Rios, a former president of Concerned Women for America [ ], now hosts a daily radio show on American Family Radio [ ], the network run by the American Family Association. At last year’s summit, she promoted ex-gay therapy [ ] and said Matthew Shepard’s murder was a “complete fraud [ ].” Like other AFR hosts, she frequently promotes right-wing conspiracy theories, including claims that President Obama was not born in the United States [ ]. Rios has also:

• Insisted that one of Obama’s first priorities as president was to resettle thousands of Palestinian refugees [ ] in the U.S. and provide them with food stamps.

• Advanced the myth [ ] that the health care reform law “says that Muslims will be exempt from the government mandate to purchase health insurance.”

• Compared [ ] the relationships of same-sex couples to those of kidnapper Ariel Castro and his captives.

• Warned that the “homosexual takeover [ ]” of the military would jeopardize the effectiveness of the armed forces.

• Frequently links [ ] the [ ] gay [ ] community [ ] to [ ] child [ ] abuse [ ].

Brigitte Gabriel [ ]

Brigitte Gabriel is the founder and president of ACT! for America [ ], where she works with local activists throughout the country to promote fears that Sharia law is taking hold in the U.S. and must be banned and to challenge textbooks [ ] that she believes are insufficiently critical of Islam. She makes frequent media appearances to warn of what she calls the “secret Islamification [ ]” of the West. Among other attacks on Mulsim-Americans, Gabriel has:

• Implied that President Obama is secretly a Muslim [ ].

• Argued that Muslims should be banned from serving in public office [ ] because a “practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.”

• Warned [ ] that Muslim Students’ Associations are waging “a stealth jihad against America through the indoctrination of our youth on college campuses.”

• Claimed “[w]hat we are seeing in public schools today is basically the talking points of our enemies being fed to our sixth and seventh graders [ ] in the name of diversity and multiculturalism, teaching them about religion.”

This post was updated to include Brigitte Gabriel following an FRC announcement that she would speak at the summit.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Beware The Gay Antichrist! The Seven Most Appalling Moments In Values Voter Summit History

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 9/23/2014 1:20 pm

Every year since 2006, Republican leaders have joined some of the country’s most notorious anti-gay, anti-choice activists and fringe conspiracy theorists at the Family Research Council’s annual Values Voter Summit.

This week’s summit will be no different, as potential GOP presidential contenders rub elbows with people who want to deny First Amendment protections to Muslims, defend laws criminalizing homosexuality, and think President Obama used the health care reform law to raise a private army of Brownshirts [ (just above)].

Don’t be surprised if summit speakers venture off into the deep-end of the right-wing fringe this week. Far from anomalies, intolerant rhetoric, self-serving claims of persecution and doomsday predictions are a Values Voter Summit tradition.

Here, we’ve collected seven of the worst moments from previous Values Voter Summits.

1. The Antichrist Will Be Gay

The Values Voter Summit is often an educational affair, and one thing we learned at the 2006 conference is that the Antichrist will be gay [ ]. Right-wing pastor Dwight McKissic [ ] told the VVS audience [ ] that year that the gay rights movement is a “Satanic” effort birthed “from the pit of Hell itself,” before suggesting that “the Antichrist himself may be homosexual [ ].”

“The gay rights movement, I believe, was birthed and inspired by the Antichrist,” McKissic added [id.], while conservative pastor and co-panelist Wellington Boone [ ] lamented that it is no longer socially acceptable to call people “faggots [ ].”

This helped launch a long [ ] tradition [ ] of [ ] Values Voter Summit attacks [ ] on [ ] the [ ] LGBT [ ] community [ ].

2. Hillary Clinton Will Imprison Christians, ‘Shut Down’ Churches

Remember when Hillary Clinton [ ] destroyed the Constitution, closed churches and put all Christians in jail? No? Well, 2012 speaker Kamal Saleem [ ] predicted that by the end of her term as secretary of state, Clinton would “subjugate American people to be arrested and put to jail and their churches and synagogues shut down [ , (below, as embedded; with comments)].”

Saleem has made a career as a phony ex-terrorist who converted to Christianity, and has concocted [ ] several [ ] other [ ] insane [ ] conspiracy [ ] theories [ ].

Of course, the Values Voter Summit regularly features warnings that the U.S. has morphed into Nazi Germany [ ] and will establish concentration camps for Christians [ ].

3. Mormonism Meltdown

On one rare occasion, even a Republican politician couldn’t ignore the rank bigotry that takes place at the Values Voter Summit.

In 2011, televangelist Robert Jeffress [ ], who introduced then-presidential candidate Rick Perry [ ] at the summit, blasted Mitt Romney [ ] in a post-speech interview as a cult member and fake Christian [ ], comments thatcame as no surprise since Jeffress had railed against the Mormon faith and Romney in previous speeches.

Romney, incidentally, was set to speak that year immediately prior to American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer [ ], who is notorious for his incendiary comments about gays and lesbians, immigrants, African Americans, Native Americans, Muslims and, yes, Mormons. During his speech, Romney criticized Fischer’s “poisonous language [ ],” prompting Fischer to lash back at Romney [ ]. Romney ally Bill Bennett [ ] also jumped in, criticizing Jeffress for promoting “bigotry [ ]” while Perry went back and forth between ignoring the controversy and eventually distancing himself from Jeffress.

While Romney may have spoken out against Fischer during the summit, Fischer had the last laugh as he succeeded [ ] in his campaign [ ] to oust [ ] a gay official from Romney’s presidential campaign.

That wasn’t the last time we would see infighting at the Values Voter Summit. Last year, Rep. Louie Gohmert [ ] accused Sen. John McCain [ ] of supporting Al Qaeda [ ], to which McCain responded [ ]: “Sometimes comments like that are made out of malice, but if someone has no intelligence I don't feel it as being a malicious statement.”

4. Demand Abortions Be Performed In Public

Lila Rose [ ], the anti-choice activist known for her campaigns against Planned Parenthood [ ], had a modest proposal at the 2009 summit [ , (below, as embedded; with comments)]: “If I could insist, as long as they are legal in our nation, abortions will be done in the public square.”

Rose, who sees herself as the Malala Yousafzai of America [ ], said that mandatory public abortions are necessary so we can “hear angels singing when we ponder the glory of conception.”

Many other Values Voter Summit speakers have also shared [ ] memorable [ ] messages [ ] for the women of America.

5. Perkins Mocks Gay Soldiers

At the 2010 summit, in the midst of the fight over the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell [ , , , ], Family Research Council President Tony Perkins warned that if the ban on openly gay service members was lifted, then the U.S. military would become nothing but a parade-marching force.

Speaking on a panel with Bob Maginnis [ ], FRC’s senior fellow for national security, Perkins said that militaries that allow openly gay members — which by that time included Israel and NATO allies such as Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany — are the “ones that participate in parades, they don't fight wars to keep the nation and the world free [ ].”

Maginnis also predicted, wrongly, that military chaplains would be forced to perform same-sex weddings [ ] and made fun of transgender service members [ (next below; with comments)].

6. A Bigger Crown In Heaven

Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean [ ] told the 2009 conference that while she may have lost the beauty competition, which she said was a result of her answer to a question about gay marriage, she knew “that the Lord has so much of a bigger crown in Heaven for me [ , (first below, as embedded; with comments), (second below; with comments)].”

In fact, she said, the “vicious” reaction she received following the pageant was one of worst incidents of persecution in American history.

Prejean later sued Miss USA for discrimination but settled the case for legal fees after a sex tape [ ] she had made materialized.

7. Obamacare 'Is The Worst Thing That Has Happened In This Nation Since Slavery'

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act [ ], Values Voter Summit speakers have been in a fierce competition to see who can come up with the most insane reaction to the law. Michele Bachmann [ ] pilloried the health law as “DeathCare [ ],” Ken Cuccinelli [ ] blasted it as “the greatest erosion of liberty” in modern history [ ] and Rick Santorum [ ] linked it to the French Revolution [ ].

But Ben Carson [ ] outdid them all, telling the conference last year that “Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery, and it is slavery in a way [ , (next below, as embedded; with comments)].”

After all this, it is no wonder that Santorum told the Values Voter Summit in 2012 that “we will never have the elite, smart people on our side [ ].”

© 2014 People For the American Way


Tim Sheets: Time For God's Chosen Ones To Rule And Reign With Him

Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Wednesday, 9/24/2014 1:08 pm

As Religious Right activists descend on Washington, D.C., for this weekend’s Values Voter Summit [ (above)], dominionist and self-described apostle Tim Sheets [ , ] is calling on God’s chosen ones to be ever more bold and aggressive. Sheets is an Ohio-based pastor who, like his brother Dutch Sheets [ ], is a partner of self-proclaimed prophet Cindy Jacobs [ ]. And while the Sheets brothers and Jacobs are not on the Values Voter Summit agenda, VVS host Family Research Council has partnered with their ministries in the Freedom Federation [ ] and its Awakening [ ] conferences, and in a 2012 campaign meant to influence the 2012 elections [ ].

In a new Prophetic Insight column for Charisma Magazine, Tim Sheets delivers a call to arms [ ]:

The alarm clock of heaven is now ringing on the night stand of a sleeping church; time to rise, time to rise to the occasion, time to get up! The Lord says, "I have lions hidden in My remnant, not wolves. They will now rise to patrol and remove the defeated ones, wolf packs, that have come to scatter My flocks. My lions will be fierce, bold, aggressive and unintimidated. They will not flinch when adversaries advance. They will stand strong," says the Lord, "and fearless.

"A new roar will be heard from My tribe announcing territorial dominion. A roar claiming geographical and spiritual jurisdiction shall now sound from My remnant; a roar establishing that the throne of the territory is occupied and guarded. A rule against hell's power shall be sounded. A roar of authority in My Name shall come against hell's intrusions. My called-out ones, My sent ones, will now become step-forward ones.

"They will move forward in My power. They will manifest their rights as sons and daughters of God ruling and reigning with Me. As intended, My heirs are stepping from the shadows of cultural bondage. They shall now display disdain of enemy princes, mights, thrones, dominions and rulers of darkness. No longer will they compromise in shared rule; no longer settling for cohabitation, no longer accepting shared occupancy.

For people not familiar with this kind of rhetoric, it is at the heart of the dominionst notion of a new generation of anointed followers “ruling and reigning” with God. Tim’s brother Dutch Sheets preaches that the church is meant to be God’s government on earth [ ]. Lou Engle [ ], who has gained infamy for traveling to Uganda to “encourage” anti-gay leaders there, has said [ ]:

“The church’s vocation is to rule history with God ... The same authority that has been given to Christ Jesus for overwhelming conquering and dominion has been given to the saints of the most high…We’re God’s rulers upon the earth…We will govern over kings and judges will have to submit…We’re called to rule! To change history! To be co-regents with God!”

That’s the same Lou Engle who introduced Rep. Michele Bachmann at the Family Research Council’s 2009 “prayercast” [ ] that called on God to defeat health care reform.

Back to Tim Sheets’ new column, where he channels a God who is ready to clear the decks of humanism and anti-Christ dominions:

"Passive appeasement has now been replaced with backbones of steel, lips set on fire with Holy ingots, and a shout of the King is in their voice indeed. Jericho's shout decree is in their mouth. Determined faith shall now be seen in My faithful ones as they march to remove demon philosophies and doctrines of devils from the land. No shared rule," says the Lord.

"My rule, My rule shall prevail. My words shall prevail. Power to prevail is being poured out. Power to prevail is soaking My remnant. Power to overcome hell's strategies; power to overcome demon doctrine and rebel government; power to more than conquer demon tactics is being released. Those who stand with Me shall see hell's fire misfire.

"So arise and rule. Rise and roar with My authority. I will fill your enemy's mouth with sand and their hearts with quicksand. They will find themselves stuck in their own mire. Roar with My freedom. Roar with My liberty. Let rejoicing roar out of Zion. March in to battle with confident peace.

"Great revival fire will now begin to burn through intercession-soaked regions as My awakening begins to roll. The regions will now become activated by My glory. My shaking has come. I am shaking earth. I am shaking heaven. Walls, strongholds, obstacles and hell's defenses are being shaken down, and My remnant is being shaken free. My shaking will open ancient wells of revival. The revival in the womb of My intercessors will now be birthed.

God, writes Tim Sheets, is also “removing arrows” of betrayal, deceit, and gossip from his “royal priesthood” in preparation for the coming battle:

"I am now coming to My remnant. And I am now coming as Lord Sabaoth-Lord of Angel Armies. Because of alignment with My purpose, I will now align My hosts to assist aggressively. There is now a convergence of the angel armies and the church's prayer army into a divine coalition; the coalition of My willing; those who run to battle, not from it.

"My earth and My heaven's armies will now challenge thrones of iniquity, thrones of idolatry, thrones of rebellion, thrones of witchcraft, thrones of humanism and antichrist dominions. Battalions are dispatched and await the decrees of My word through the saints to overthrow iniquitous thrones so My saints can sit with Me.

"My greatest campaign on Earth is due. Decree it," says the Lord. "Align your words with Mine, and angel forces shall align with you. Align with angel forces in your regions, and I will accelerate an alignment within your nation. Yes, revival is now. The harvest is now," says the Lord. "Victory is now," says the Lord. "Arise and pursue My cause. Arise and roar. Arise and fight. Arise and shine. Your light has come, and the glory of your God shines upon you."

If all this whets your appetite for more Tim Sheets, you can find more [ (next below; with comments)]
of him [ (next below; no comments yet)]
on YouTube [ ].

© 2014 People For the American Way


Ted Cruz's Dream Cabinet: Values Voter Summit Speakers Ready To Serve In The Cruz White House

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 9/25/2014 1:10 pm

It is no secret that Sen. Ted Cruz is a favorite of Religious Right activists. After all, at last year’s Values Voter Summit, the Texas Republican received a euphoric welcome and when one member of the audience declared that God supported Cruz’s effort to shut down the government [ ], he was met with an enthusiastic round of applause. It’s no wonder that Cruz has won the hearts of the GOP’s far-right base, given his penchant for paranoid and incendiary rhetoric along with his boasts about his superior religious convictions.

And the affection seems to be mutual. If Cruz were to win the presidency in 2016, we imagine that his cabinet would look a lot like this week’s Values Voter Summit lineup [ (above)].

So, we’ve decided to help Cruz out and pick him out a “dream cabinet” consisting exclusively of Values Voter Summit speakers.

Tony Perkins, Secretary of Homosexuality

To say that the Family Research Council leader and Values Voter Summit host is obsessed with homosexuality would be putting it mildly. Perkins fears that gays and lesbians are such a threat that he predicts they will bring about a holocaust of Christians [ ]. He calls gay people “vile” and “hateful” pawns of “The Enemy” [ ] — Satan — who are “engaged in activity, behavior and an agenda that will destroy them and our nation.”

Perkins spoke out in favor of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill [ ], which, at the time, included a provision making homosexuality an offense punishable by death in some cases. He has also labeled pedophilia a “homosexual problem [ ].”

What’s more, Perkins comes with a built-in circle of anti-gay advisors: For instance, one of his FRC colleagues once suggested that the U.S. “export homosexuals [ ]” because “homosexuality is destructive to society.”

Mike Huckabee, Secretary of Women’s Issues

After vigorously [ ] campaigning [ ] on behalf of failed Senate candidate Todd Akin [ ] and defending [ ] the Missouri Republican’s “legitimate rape” comments, Huckabee somehow managed to become the RNC’s “model” [ ] for speaking about social issues. Huckabee further displayed this model behavior at an RNC meeting this year, where he claimed that Democrats see women as “helpless and hopeless creatures” who need help from “Uncle Sugar” because they “cannot control their libido [ , (next below, as embedded; with comments)].”

Huckabee is a strong [ ] supporter [ ] of “personhood [ ]” laws that would criminalize abortion in all cases, along with common forms of birth control. Although he said rules ensuring that Hobby Lobby employees have birth control coverage would destroy the freedom of religion [ ], as governor of Arkansas, he signed regulations on contraception coverage that had a wider impact on religiously-affiliated groups [ ] than the federal rules he now denounces as abortion subsidies and threats to liberty.

Sandy Rios, Secretary of Chain Emails

Thankfully, American Family Radio talk show host Sandy Rios breaks through the biased liberal media filter by citing the news sources America trusts: chain emails. Rios has repeatedly pointed to spurious Internet hoaxes and urban legends to warn about how same-sex marriage is encouraging incest [ ] or to expose President Obama’s Muslim writings [ ].

Rios has also cited erroneous right-wing chain emails to shine light on Obama’s purported plan to Islamize America [ ] and his real birth place (Kenya) [ ]. While such stories may not technically be true, they definitely feel true!

Michele Bachmann, Secretary of Truth

Many politicians pretend to believe in outlandish things as a way to throw red meat to their party’s base, but the Secretary of Truth pretends nothing. Whatever you may think about Michele Bachmann, she really does seem to believe that vaccinations cause mental retardation [ ], Obamacare death panels will “literally kill” people [ ], gays want to “freely prey on little children sexually [ ]” and AmeriCorps programs are really “re-education camps [ ].” Bachmann also claims to be an expert in Islam [ ], Judaism [ ] and the End Times (or, as she believes, the present day) [ ].

In fact, Bachmann speaks so much truth that the Associated Press had to impose a fact-checking “quota” on her remarks [ ].

Sarah Palin, Secretary of Syntax

Sarah Palin [ ] is known for her captivating way [ ] with [ ] words [ ] and is always providing new material [ ] for observers of an evolving English language. Since Cruz sees Palin as a “fearless” leader of the conservative movement [ ], certainly she can serve in a role greater than poet laureate. After all, it’s not everyone who is able to rewrite (with help from the Internet [ ]) the works of Dr. Seuss [ , (next below, as embedded; with comments)]:

Todd Starnes, Secretary of Scam Artistry

Fox News commentator Todd Starnes, ever the muckraker, claims to have blown the whistle on dozens of scandals involving anti-Christian persecution in America.

However, many of his reports have been completely debunked, including his stories about forced lesbian kisses in schools [ ] and discrimination against Christian athletes [ ], kindergarteners [ ], first graders [ ], military service members [ ] and people celebrating Christmas [ ]. He has also falsely accused the military of court martialing Christians [ ] and blocking access to a church website [ ], and made bogus statements about “gangs of roving thugs [ ]” and anti-Christian zealots [ ] running New York.

But don’t worry, none of these false reports have in any way negatively impacted Starnes’ career or his reputation, as he swears he only reports on “the most accurate information possible [ ].”

Glenn Beck [ ] will also be addressing the summit, meaning that Starnes will have a real fight on his hands for this prestigious Cabinet office.

Jerry Boykin, Secretary of Islam

Protecting religious liberty is one of the major issues of the Values Voter Summit this year, and religious liberty has no better friend than FRC Executive Vice President Jerry Boykin, who cherishes the First Amendment so deeply that he wants to ban mosques [ ] and strip Muslim-Americans of their First Amendment rights [ ] (a view that FRC’s president, Tony Perkins, shares [ ]). Boykin insists that the Constitution should not protect Muslims because their religion will “destroy” America “from within [ ].”

Boykin also believes that the Obama administration’s actions are part of a spiritual war against Christianity which will provoke people to “take up arms [ ]” against the government and even prompt military leaders to hope to “fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president [ ].”

Jim Bob Duggar, Secretary of Historical Analysis

Reality TV star Jim Bob Duggar [ ], a frequent right-wing campaign surrogate whose son Josh serves as executive director of the Family Research Council, made a splash at last year’s summit when he said that a visit to a Nazi concentration camp reminded him of the U.S. today [ , (below, as embedded; with comments)]. Speaking of the Holocaust, he said, “that’s where we are at in our nation.” In Duggar’s telling, the Nazis are pro-choice advocates who have taken over America, while Duggar and his conservative movement allies are like concentration camp liberators.

While defending his remarks to the press, Duggar said Roe v. Wade has led to “a baby holocaust [ ]” no different than what took place in Nazi Germany.

Louie Gohmert, Secretary of Intelligence

Louie Gohmert, an actual congressman, has many smart things to say. For example, he believes that Obamacare will “absolutely kill senior citizens [ ]” and set up a “secret security force [ ]”; thinks America is worse off now [ ] than it was during the days of slavery; worries that “extreme leftists” and “radical jihadists” are working together to bring terror babies [ ] into the U.S.; and claims that Obama is “supporting [ ]” Al Qaeda and Democrats are hoping for terrorist attacks “to create a new jobs bill [ ].”

He is also a zoologist, having warned that a wildlife protection bill would send animals to China and we would “end up with moo goo dog pan or moo goo cat pan [ ].” He once also memorably defended oil pipelines by linking them to caribou sex [ ].

Gohmert is an expert in the field of human sexuality, although he asserts that sex-ed classes are reminiscent of the Soviet Union [ ]. The Republican especially knows a thing or two about homosexuality, warning that gay marriage signals the collapse of civilization [ ] and will lead America “down the road to the dustbin of history [ ]”; claiming that those of “the persuasion of being homosexual” violate “the plumbing that God created [ ]”; insisting [ ] that gay people undermine humanity’s evolution [ ] (which he insists he doesn’t believe in himself); fearing that America will cease to exist [ ] because of gays serving openly in the military; and positing [ ] that gay marriage will lead to bestiality and extreme restrictions on gun rights.

Mat Staver, Secretary of Ex-Gays

While not an “ex-gay” himself, Liberty Counsel attorney Mat Staver is a leading proponent of sexual orientation conversion therapy and is attempting to bring his defense of the discredited, pseudo-scientific practice to the Supreme Court [ ].

Staver has also been tied [ ] to an “ex-gay” client’s alleged kidnapping [ ] of her daughter to Central America to avoid sharing custody with the daughter’s other mother. He claims [ ] that gay people want to “entrap” and “groom” children and force them “into a lifestyle of destruction” by barring the use of ex-gay therapy on minors.

Staver will likely have many immediate policy changes to suggest, as he fears that the Obama administration supports “forced homosexuality [ ]” and likens fading opposition to gay rights to silence in Nazi Germany about the Holocaust [ ].

© 2014 People For the American Way


15 Values Voter Summit Speakers Who Think The US Is Becoming Nazi Germany

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 9/25/2014 1:50 pm

At the Values Voter Summit, which begins this Friday, Republican politicians and Religious Right leaders [ (above)] will come together to rebuke President Obama, attack the gay community and decry the current state of affairs in the U.S [ (above)].

Subtlety and nuance aren’t this crowd’s strong suits. In fact, it wasn’t that hard for us to come up with a list of at least 15 scheduled summit speakers and panelists who believe that America has gotten so bad under Obama’s leadership that the country has become just like Nazi Germany.

1. Tony Perkins

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins thinks that gay rights supporters are bent on ushering in an anti-Christian holocaust. When are LGBT activists “going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians? [ ]” he asked in June.

[audio ( ) embedded]

Soon afterwards, Perkins said a caller on his “Washington Watch” radio show “hit the nail on the head [ ]” when she claimed Christians in America are about to be “loaded in cattle cars like it was when the Nazis took over.”

2. Mike Huckabee

Former governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee agreed last year that it was “the truth” that bills introduced to prevent gun violence are just like what happened in Nazi Germany [ ]. “[T]hey’ll start saying, ‘Oh there you go comparing to the Nazis.’ And I understand the reaction, but it’s the truth,” Huckabee said. “In every society and culture where dictators take over, one of the things they have to do is get control of the military and the police and ultimately all of the citizens and make sure the citizens are disarmed and can’t fight in the streets.”

Huckabee has also claimed that the legalization of same-sex marriage will compel Christians to defy the government in order to uphold their religious beliefs, just like people who aided Jews broke the law during the Holocaust [ ]: “It was ‘illegal’ to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany. But I am sure that if I had lived in Germany during that time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers even though it was illegal.”

3. Sandy Rios

American Family Association governmental affairs director Sandy Rios said last year that the “War on Christmas” is driving Christians underground and oppressing religious expression: “This is exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany [ ].”

4. Glenn Beck

Unsurprisingly, Glenn Beck is pretty sure that “we are Germany 1930 [ ].” Earlier this year, Beck agreed with venture capitalist Tom Perkins that billionaires in America are just like Jews under Nazi oppression [ ] and said that officials like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are aspiring concentration camp guards [ ]. He has also predicted [ ] that the government will “scoop up” Tea Party members [ ] and “be remembered as the most evil nation in the history of the world, we will dwarf what Germany did.”

Beck predicts that President Obama is on the verge of breaking down, at which point he will “round up” conservatives and “put them in a camp [ , (next below, as embedded; with comments)].”

5. Jerry Boykin

Family Research Council executive vice president Jerry Boykin accused President Obama of reviving Hitler’s Brownshirts through the health care reform law.

“Remember Hitler had the Brownshirts and in the Night of the Long Knives, even Hitler got scared of the Brownshirts and killed thousands of them. So you say ‘are there any signs that that’s happened?’ And the truth is, yes,” Boykin said [ ] in 2010. “If you read the health care legislation which, by the way nobody in Washington has read, but if you read the health care legislation it’s actually in the health care legislation…. It's laying the groundwork for a constabulary force that will control the population in America.”

6. Michele Bachmann

At a campaign stop in New Hampshire during her presidential bid, Bachmann said [ ] that government inaction on the national debt reminded her of the world’s silence in the midst of the Holocaust. “We are seeing eclipsed in front of our eyes a similar death and a similar taking away. It is this disenfranchisement that I think we have to answer to,” she said.

Bachmann has also accused the Obama administration of setting up “reeducation camps for young people [ ]” through service-oriented programs like AmeriCorps.

In 2012, Bachmann alleged that the administration was “aiding and abetting [ ]” an Islamist plot to take over America and the rest of the world, calling on people to read about the Islamic “belief system” and find out “what they truly believe” just like how “the most important thing a person could do in World War II during that conflict was to read the book that the leader of Germany wrote.”

7. Jim Bob Duggar

In a speech to the 2013 Values Voter Summit, Jim Bob Duggar said his visit to Nazi concentration camps reminded him of the U.S., saying that the Holocaust is “where we are at in our nation [ ].” When asked by reporters about his statement, Duggar said that America is experiencing “a baby holocaust [ ].”

[the same Jim Bob Duggar video ( ) as embedded in the item just above embedded]

8. Todd Starnes

Fox News commentator Todd Starnes said last year that the so-called “War on Christmas” and purported acts of anti-Christian persecution under the Obama administration made him wonder if he was living in the U.S. or Nazi Germany [ ]: “This is not 1930s Germany, gentlemen, this is the United States of America, and unless people of faith stand up and put a stop to this, we very well could be facing a 1930s Germany here.”

9. Mat Staver

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel believes that the U.S. under President Obama’s leadership is now actually worse [ ] than Nazi Germany. He said this month that the Obama administration surpassed Nazi Germany’s crimes by “forcing” people to “participate in a genocide” [ ] through the contraceptive coverage mandate. He has also [ ] repeatedly [ ] argued [ ] that legal abortion is the same as the Holocaust.

Earlier this year, Staver drew a Nazi analogy [ ] while demanding that conservatives more strongly oppose gay marriage: “This is not an issue in which you can remain silent any more than you can remain silent during Nazi Germany.”

10. Louie Gohmert

Texas congressman Louie Gohmert — who early on in Obama’s term agreed with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones [ ]’s predictions [ ] that the president would introduce policies reminiscent of Hitler — took to the House floor in May to accuse gay rights advocates [ ] of treating their opponents in the same way that the Nazis demonized the people they oppressed:

So it is amazing that in the name of liberality, in the name of being tolerant, this fascist intolerance has arisen. People that stand up and say, you know, I agree with the majority of Americans, I agree with Moses and Jesus that marriage was a man and a woman, now all of a sudden, people like me are considered haters, hate mongers, evil, which really is exactly what we've seen throughout our history as going back to the days of the Nazi takeover in Europe. What did they do? First, they would call people "haters" and "evil" and build up disdain for those people who held those opinions or religious views or religious heritage. And then the next came, well, those people are so evil and hateful, let's bring every book that they've written or has to do with them and let's start burning the books, because we can't tolerate their intolerance.

11. Mark Levin

Conservative talk radio show host Mark Levin [ ] claimed [ ] last year that President Obama was organizing a Brownshirt paramilitary to defend and promote the Affordable Care Act. “All they need is special uniforms,” Levin said of Obamacare supporters. “Learn how to march and salute and carry flags. I think brown would be good, you know, Brownshirts.”

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Levin said [ ] then-presidential candidate Obama was “really into these big German-like events” reminiscent of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

12. Ed Vitagliano

After the 2008 election, the American Family Association’s Ed Vitagliano [ ] urged the organization’s members to pray for President Obama just as one would pray for Adolf Hitler to veer away from his wicked ways. He especially urged his readers to pray to block Obama’s “plans to push both abortion and the gay agenda.”

“Obama is like Hitler because, while Hitler primarily slaughtered the Jews in the Holocaust, Obama’s support for abortion is similarly evil,” Vitagliano said [ ]. “Now I think the moral equivalency of the Holocaust and abortion is a good, defensible argument. Both objectified a category of human beings and then took horrifying steps to pursue their murder. The depths of evil connected to the Holocaust and abortion are equally difficult to comprehend.”

13. Harry Jackson

Religious right activist and preacher Harry Jackson [ ] said in 2012 that the success of “radical gay activists” was turning America into Nazi Germany [ ]:

They want to impose their will on the culture and if you cannot reproduce you may try to recruit, and what I mean by that is what is going on is an attempt to reshape, refashion the mind, hearts and desires of the next generation. Many Christians are sitting back and we aren’t speaking out, but the reality is just like during the times of Hitler we have people coming after one group after another group after another group, and folks are saying, well this doesn’t affect me I’ll let this slide, we have a problem that really we have a whole generation of people who want to affect not only their lives and choices but the choices of another generation.

14. Rick Santorum

After losing his 2012 presidential bid, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum became a Christian film producer, and he recently unveiled a new movie called “One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty.” Santorum’s latest film depicts [ ] the U.S. in a dire state eerily similar to Nazi Germany, warning that America’s transformation into a tyrannical, Nazi state will be complete thanks to the silence of conservative Christians. You can get some of the flavor of the film from its trailer [ (next below; with comments)],
which includes footage of Germany in the 1930s.

While campaigning against for president, Santorum also told a church gathering [ ] that people should get involved in his bid to defeat Obama just as the Greatest Generation fought the spread of Nazism.

15. Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz launched his faux-filibuster against Obamacare by arguing that refusing to fight the implementation of the health care reform law was just like appeasing Adolf Hitler [ ], and people who didn't support his plans to stop the law were like Neville Chamberlain.

As Jon Stewart explains, “Ted Cruz says we’re at Defcon Nazi.”

[the Jon Stewart segment video ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way (emphasis in original)


David Dewhurst: Prayer Rugs On Border Prove ISIS Is Here

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 9/26/2014 12:50 pm

Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst [ ] lost his re-election bid in the GOP primary this year because he was seen as too liberal, and before that he lost to Ted Cruz in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate.

But Dewhurst isn't exactly a flaming liberal.

In a speech to the Values Voter Summit, Dewhurst followed Cruz by attacking abortion rights and immigration reform [ ]. Dewhurst said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)] President Obama “literally opened up the red carpet” for a “tsunami of unaccompanied children” with an immigration law signed in 2008 [ ], the year before Obama became president.

“If we don’t stop the bad guys at the border, they’re going to be in your hometown tomorrow,” he said.

He later claimed that prayer rugs found in Texas are proof that ISIS members may be crossing the southern border to “mobilize terrorist Islam against the United States.” We wonder if Dewhurst is referring to the Breitbart News story which confused a prayer rug with an Adidas jersey [ ].

© 2014 People For the American Way


Stop Persecuting Us! Five Religious Right Tactics On Clear Display At The Values Voter Summit

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 9/29/2014 4:40 pm

One thing was clear at last week’s Values Voter Summit: many of the Religious Right’s leaders and allied politicians know that their stances on abortion rights and LGBT equality are becoming more and more toxic to the average voter, and less and less popular within the GOP.

Many speakers at the conference tried to reframe the debate on issues such as same-sex marriage, insisting that opponents of LGBT rights are becoming an oppressed minority in America. This delusion even seeped into matters such as foreign policy, with speakers attacking President Obama as an Islamist sympathizer who refuses to take military action against ISIS, even while he was doing exactly that.

Naturally, one politician was able to prey upon the many fears and fantasies of the far-right: Ted Cruz.

Even as the Values Voter Summit subtly changed its tone on some familiar issues, five tried and true tactics of the Religious Right were unchanged at last week’s event:

5. Make Audacious Persecution Analogies

While addressing the plight of Christians in the Mideast and people such as Meriam Ibrahim in Sudan and Saeed Abedini in Iran — both of whom are actually the victims of shocking anti-Christian persecution — Values Voter Summit speakers often attempted to claim that conservative Christians face similar abuses [ ] and comparable treatment in America [ ].

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel attempted to paint the Obama administration as more malicious than the government of Nazi Germany [ ], and twins Jason and David Benham — who lost a planned HGTV reality show after we reported on their anti-gay political activism — even had the gall to compare themselves to the victims of ISIS [ , (next below, as embedded; with comments)].

Todd Starnes [ (embedded in the post to which this is a reply)] and Kelly Shackelford [ , ] rattled off cases of purported anti-Christian persecution in America, “Duck Dynasty [ ]” star Alan Robertson [ ] said his family’s reality TV show was briefly suspended as the result of demonic attacks [ ], and a Colorado baker who gained national attention after denying service to a gay couple broke down in tears [ ].

Maggie Gallagher [ ], the founder of the National Organization for Marriage, told attendees that marriage equality opponents will be “oppressed [ ]” due to their opinions, and Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel predicted Big Government persecution of Christians [ ] on behalf of “the intolerant homosexual lobby.”

4. Demand Religious Freedom... Except For Muslims

For a conference dedicated to protecting religious liberty and addressing the supposed persecution of Christians in America, there sure was plenty of animosity towards Muslims.

Conference speakers including Michele Bachmann [ ], Robert Dees [ , ], Gary Bauer [ ] and Brigitte Gabriel [ ] dedicated their remarks to the threat of Islam, with several conflating Al Qaeda and ISIS with all of Islam and suggesting that the U.S. government somehow declare war on the religion.

Prior to the conference, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, whose group was the summit’s chief sponsor, suggested that Muslim-Americans be stripped of their rights under the Constitution [ ].

3. Brazenly Ignore Reality

It was surreal to watch several Values Voter Summit speakers criticize President Obama for not going after ISIS at the same time as a U.S.-led coalition was launching a daily torrent of airstrikes against ISIS and the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria and Iraq.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a likely GOP presidential candidate, said [ ] Obama doesn’t believe that ISIS leaders need to be “hunted down and killed and destroyed.”

Bachmann declared that the president was ignoring her sage advice [ , (below, as embedded; with comments)] on how to handle ISIS: “You kill their leader, you kill their council, you kill their army until they wave the white flag of surrender. That’s how you win a war!”

2. Push Back Against The GOP

There was a palpable fear throughout the conference that the Republican Party is moving away from the Religious Right, as more and more GOP candidates either refuse to highlight the movement’s anti-choice and anti-gay positions or are openly trumpeting support for abortion rights and gay marriage.

Just before the conference took place, Focus on the Family [ ], the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Research Council issued a letter announcing their vow [ ] to defeat two openly gay Republican House candidates and the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Oregon, who is pro-choice and running advertisements boasting of her support for marriage equality.

NOM president Brian Brown [ ] criticized Republicans for blaming the party’s stances on social issues for losses in the 2012 election. “It’s not our fault [ ],” Brown insisted as he introduced unabashedly anti-gay politician Rick Santorum at the summit.

Later, at a NOM-sponsored panel, Brown accused gay rights supporters of attempting to “hijack [ ]” the GOP. While one panel at the summit attempted to explain the potential for libertarians and social conservatives to build a political alliance, it seems many in the audience didn’t want anything to do with the libertarian message [ ].

1. Throw Them Red Meat

Ted Cruz once again won the summit’s presidential candidate straw poll [ ], with Ben Carson, who didn’t attend the summit this year but was well-represented by campaigners from the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, finishing in second place. Cruz and Carson notably outpaced Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, two favorites of Religious Right movement who both spoke at the summit.

Cruz packed his speech with warnings about imminent threats to the Second Amendment and religious freedom, and listing objects of conservative derision: IRS, Common Core and Obamacare.

Conference organizers said Jeb Bush and Chris Christie were not welcome at the summit [ ], but they wouldn’t have been able to stand a chance against Cruz’s easy applause lines [ , (below, as embedded; with comments)] anyway.

© 2014 People For the American Way


The Religious Right Reacts To SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision: 'Unconscionable, Unconstitutional, And Un-American'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 10/6/2014 3:38 pm

Earlier today, the Supreme Court refused to hear [ ] appeals from several states challenging court decisions striking down gay marriage bans, resulting in such marriages now being legal in several more states.

To say that anti-gay Religious Right groups are furious with the Supreme Court would be a massive understatement and nobody was more livid about it than the American Family Association [ ]'s Bryan Fischer [ ], who spent two [ ] segments [ ] of his radio program today blasting the Supreme Court for having now issued the "de facto Roe vs. Wade of sodomy-based marriage" by "imposing on every state in the union marriage that is based on the infamous crime against nature."

"It unconscionable, unconstitutional, and un-American," Fischer fumed [ (next below, as embedded; with comments)]:

Groups like Liberty Counsel [ ] were equally outraged, issuing a press release [ ] blasting the Court for its "decision to watch marriage burn to ashes:

"This is a total dereliction of duty," said Mat Staver [ ], Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. "The Supreme Court abandoned its duty to take up or at least hold these marriage cases. The responsibility for the undermining of marriage rests solely at the U.S. Supreme Court. Last year's decision in the Defense of Marriage Act case that started this fire, and today's decision to watch marriage burn to ashes is the responsibility of the Supreme Court. The actions of the Supreme Court in particular, and of the judiciary in general, undermine the rule of law and erode the confidence of the people in the judicial branch of government. When the people lose confidence in the rule of law, the judiciary will lose is legitimacy. Everyone will be affected by same-sex marriage because it is an intolerant agenda that will directly collide with religious freedom," said Staver.

The Family Research Council [ ] was likewise outraged [ ], warning that "more and more people [will] lose their livelihoods because they refuse to not just tolerate but celebrate same-sex marriage":

"The Supreme Court decision to not take up these lower court rulings, which undermine natural marriage and the rule of law, for now, puts the issue of marriage back before the US Congress. This decision, in part, is an indication that those on the Court who desire to redefine natural marriage recognize the country will not accept a Roe v. Wade type decision on marriage.

"Unfortunately, by failing to take up these marriage cases, the High Court will allow rogue lower court judges who have ignored history and true legal precedent to silence the elected representatives of the people and the voice of the people themselves by overturning state provisions on marriage. Even more alarming, lower court judges are undermining our form of government and the rights and freedoms of citizens to govern themselves. This judicially led effort to force same sex 'marriage' on people will have negative consequences for our Republic, not only as it relates to natural marriage but also undermining the rule of and respect for law.

"The Court decision ensures that the debate over natural marriage will continue and the good news is that time is not on the side of those who want to redefine marriage. As more states are forced to redefine marriage, contrary to nature and directly in conflict with the will of millions, more Americans will see and experience attacks on their religious freedom. Parents will find a wedge being driven between them and their children as school curriculum is changed to contradict the morals parents are teaching their children. As more and more people lose their livelihoods because they refuse to not just tolerate but celebrate same-sex marriage, Americans will see the true goal, which is for activists to use the Court to impose a redefinition of natural marriage on the entire nation.

"Congress should respond to today's announcement by moving forward with the State Marriage Defense Act, which is consistent with last year's Windsor ruling and ensures that the federal government in its definition of marriage respects the duly enacted marriage laws of the states," concluded Perkins [ ].

As was the National Organization for Marriage [ ], which called for [ ] the passage of a national marriage amendment:

"We are surprised and extremely disappointed that the US Supreme Court has refused to grant review of the same-sex marriage cases pending before them. This is wrong on so many levels. First, the entire idea that marriage can be redefined from the bench is illegitimate. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman; it has been this throughout the history of civilization and will remain this no matter what unelected judges say. Second, it's mind-boggling that lower court judges would be allowed to impose the redefinition of marriage in these states, and our highest court would have nothing to say about it. Third, the effect of the lower court rulings is to say that a constitutional right to same-sex ‘marriage' has existed in every state in the union since 1868 when the 14th Amendment was ratified, but somehow nobody noticed until quite recently. That's the absurd belief we are being told to accept.

"It's possible that the Supreme Court wants to wait to take a case when a Circuit split develops so that it can rule in favor of the people's right to define marriage as it has always been defined. We're hopeful that the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals will rule in our favor and that the Supreme Court will then take that case and decide that marriage is not unconstitutional.

"At the same time, given what the Supreme Court has allowed to happen, the only alternative to letting unelected judges impose their view of marriage on Americans across the country is to pursue a process that will allow the American people to decide for themselves what is marriage. It is critical not only to marriage but to the republican form of government in this country to amend the Constitution to reaffirm the meaning of marriage. We therefore call on the US Congress to move forward immediately to send a federal marriage amendment to the states for ratification.

"We call upon Americans vigorously to contest this development by turning to the political process, starting with the upcoming mid-term elections. We urge voters to hold politicians accountable and demand to know if they will accept the illegitimate act of attempting to redefine marriage or whether they will stand with the American people to resist. In particular, we urge Republicans to hold their party leaders to account, and to demand that they remain true to their belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman which was a pillar of the party's founding in 1856, and remains essential to society's well-being today.

Focus on the Family [ ] warned [ ] that it will result in a "further expansion of threats to religious freedom"

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision not to accept five state marriage cases sets the stage for the further spread of same-sex marriage, and with it, a further expansion of threats to religious freedom.

Marriage has always been – and will always be – between a man and a woman. Ultimately, no court can change that truth. So regardless of legal outcomes, we’ll continue to address the importance of one-man, one-woman marriage to families, society and especially for children who have a right to both a mother and a father.

Our concern continues to be for children who deserve to grow up with both a mom and a dad, as well as for the religious freedom rights of people who strongly believe in God’s design for marriage and want to live consistently with those beliefs.

Ralph Reed [ ]'s Faith and Freedom Coalition [ ] called [ ] the decision a "miscarriage of justice" and warned that the Supreme Court will "reap a political whirlwind":

Today’s Supreme Court decision not to hear appeals of lower-court rulings that legalized same-sex marriage in five states is a miscarriage of justice that lays the predicate for a Roe v. Wade decision on marriage that will impose same-sex marriage on the entire country by judicial fiat. The Court’s action has the effect of overturning the will of the voters in Indiana, Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin, including instances in which state constitutions were amended to codify marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Today’s decision further insures that the marriage issue will motivate and mobilize voters of faith who are concerned about marriage and deeply resent having the institution redefined contrary to the clearly expressed will of the people by federal judges who legislate from the bench. For candidates running in 2014 and those who run for president in 2016, there will be no avoiding this issue. If the Supreme Court is planning a Roe v. Wade on marriage, it will sow the wind and reap a political whirlwind.

The Florida Family Policy Council [ ]'s John Stemberger [ ] warned [ ] that "Supreme Court risks losing enormous institutional legitimacy" if it rules in favor of gay marriage:

Over the last 15 years, more than 40 million Americans in more than 30 states have voted at the ballot box to define marriage as one man and one woman – the same definition of marriage used worldwide. In the last nano-second of human civilization, some U.S. judges have attempted to ignore and erase those votes. The Supreme Court risks losing enormous institutional legitimacy if they ignore biology, logic, anthropology, social science and the collective wisdom of human history, and overturn an act of direct democracy by such an overwhelming number of American voters who protected marriage in their state constitutions.

Marriage is about more than who you love; it’s about bringing together the two great halves of humanity, male and female-- not gay and straight. Also it’s important to recognize that legalizing same-sex marriage ignores and eliminates the importance of gender in society: it costs kids either a mom or a dad (who are not interchangeable), and it costs people of faith their First Amendment rights as government imposes the new definition across all aspects of society. States and counties that have so-called “non-discrimination” laws which cover sexual orientation are being used as weapons to punish people of faith, and mainly Christians, for failure to facilitate or host same sex marriage ceremonies. We as a state and a society need to carefully count those costs before we run headlong into this latest social experiment with marriage, which will have negative impact on so many areas of life and law."

© 2014 People For the American Way


Stacy Swimp: Supreme Court Marriage Ruling Would Bring About Last Days

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 9:53 am

Anti-gay activist Stacy Swimp [ ], a Michigan pastor, claimed last month that a Supreme Court ruling legalizing marriage equality throughout the country would bring America into the biblical Last Days [ ].

If the Supreme Court were to issue a favorable marriage equality ruling, Swimp told Cleveland anti-gay activist Molly Smith [ ] in a September 23 interview [ ], “I see America looking like what Jesus said the world looking like. He said, ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son returns.’”

“You see,” he continued, “in Noah’s day, you had complete lawlessness, men did what was right in their own eyes, according to the Bible, and there were no moral boundaries that men respected. And so we are at the threshold in our global society.”

“If this happens to become law, you’re going to see complete chaos and lawlessness,” he said, adding that such a ruling would lead to “broken families” and “escalated crime.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

Later in the interview, Swimp argued that “homosexuality, lesbianism” is just “one component of lawlessness that we’re seeing in our society” and that the LGBT rights movement and “Islam and the global terrorism” are “working together to silence the gospel.”

He added that Christians are facing persecution in America today, while Muslims and Buddhists face none: “You don’t see Muslims, by the way, who disagree with marriage protection being persecuted in America. You don’t hear about Buddhists and all these other religions being persecuted while fighting for their religious freedom.”

“That’s right, it’s us as the Christians,” Smith agreed.

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Gordon Klingenschmitt: Supreme Court Letting Gays 'Recruit Your Kids'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 10:20 am

Anti-LGBT activist and Colorado Republican state legislative candidate Gordon Klingenschmitt [ ] reacted today to the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear an appeal [ (above)] of lower court marriage equality rulings by asserting that “sodomy is still banned by God in all 50 states” and “God will have the last word.”

In an email to members of his Pray In Jesus Name [ ] project, Klingenschmitt lamented that “cruel judges now deny kids’ rights in 30 states,” telling his readers that conservatives must work even harder to “defend their children from such an agenda to normalize sin and recruit your kids.”

Unfair to Kids: Judges force homosexual "marriage" in 30 states

Every child has a right to a mom and dad. Cruel judges now deny kids' rights in 30 states.

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear any of seven possible appeals from five states that would protect traditional marriage between one man and one woman. This dereliction of duty allowed bad lower-court rulings to enforce homosexual "marriage" in 11 new states, against the will of the voters. Many children will now be told by the government, "You can't have a mother. You get two dads instead." That's unfair to kids.


THIS JUST IN: Sodomy is still banned by God in all 50 states. Gay marriage now "legal" in 30 states? Only 3 states voted for that, meaning it was imposed on kids in 27 states by oligarchs, against the voters' will. 38 states had bans before this judicial TYRANNY overruled the people's will. God will have the last word. ...

Will Christians work this hard, to defend their children from such an agenda to normalize sin and recruit your kids? Legislation. Ballot Work. Courts. All fronts in all states.

Sadly, it appears some House Republicans are caving in without a fight. "The House has determined, in light of the Supreme Court’s opinion in Windsor, that it no longer will defend that [DOMA] statute," said lawyers for the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG).

But we are not done. We are fighting back. We will fight to defend traditional marriage as Jesus defined it in Matthew 19:4-6, between one man and one woman. We must encourage Congress to NOT give up the fight.

I met several Congressmen last year in DC, and although they are discouraged, they are not ready to quit. But they must hear from us, that we still care about traditional marriage. Let's send Congress a message today. Demand a Constitutional Marriage Amendment...

© 2014 People For the American Way


Peter LaBarbera Vows 'Massive Civil Disobedience' To Block Gay Marriages

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 10:30 am

Peter LaBarbera [ ] of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality [ ] is not exactly pleased with the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear appeals [ (above)] on several marriage equality cases, warning in a statement today [ ] that as a result of the court’s non-decision “we live not in freedom but under tyranny.”

“Now is the time for civil disobedience on a massive scale: we hope that statesmen and citizens alike -— in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah and Virginia — indeed, any state where the people’s will has been robbed by elitist judges — will reassert their state sovereignty against escalating judicial supremacy,” LaBarbera writes. “God is not mocked: the Scriptures are clear that homosexual practice is an offense against both God and the very bodies of those who practice it (as is all sexual immorality).”

We are witnessing a "gradual Roe v. Wade" by which unelected judges impose homosexual 'marriage' on the nation. Hubris rules the day as millions of Americans' votes defending actual marriage (one man, one woman) are negated by one court ruling after another. Each decision bastardizes America's noble quest for racial justice by invoking "equality" for unions based on disordered sexual behavior that can never be "equal" to God-ordained sex within marriage. Now the nation's highest court is content to let the ongoing disenfranchisement become law.

Yesterday's action by the Supreme Court only solidifies the idea that the powerful elites who dominate politics, media and culture do not care what the people think, expressed through the ballot box or their elected state legislators. And if "We the People's" votes do not count, then We live not in freedom but under tyranny.

The notion that nine men and women in black robes know more about what constitutes marriage than 76 percent of Oklahoma's voters is insulting and preposterous. Now is the time for civil disobedience on a massive scale: we hope that statesmen and citizens alike--in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah and Virginia—indeed, any state where the people's will has been robbed by elitist judges—will reassert their state sovereignty against escalating judicial supremacy.

From a moral and spiritual perspective, no court or government action can—to quote from the ill-informed ruling of Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner--"confer respectability on a sexual relationship" between two people of the same sex. Homosexual activists yearn to be told that their defining sin is not a sin at all—and legalizing genderless "marriage" is their holy grail to achieve that end. "Love is love," we are told, or rather scolded. But God is not mocked: the Scriptures are clear that homosexual practice is an offense against both God and the very bodies of those who practice it (as is all sexual immorality).

The truly loving thing for Christians to do is not to "bless" same-sex relationships but to guide men and women caught up in false homosexual identities to the One, Jesus, who will forgive them and guide them to a life pleasing to God.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Look Who Wants To Amend The Constitution Now: Ted Cruz Wants States' Rights Amendment on Marriage

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 10:59 am

Sen. Ted Cruz [ ] has spent the past several months railing against a proposed constitutional amendment [ ] to undo the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United [ ] and related campaign-finance cases, which would restore to Congress and the states the ability to “set reasonable limits [ ]” on election spending.

Cruz has gone into full hyperbole mode over the amendment, claiming that the campaign to narrowly roll back what many legal experts believe is an erroneous interpretation of the First Amendment is in fact an effort to “repeal the First Amendment [ ],” silence pastors [id.] and imprison old ladies [ ].

So, of course, it was no surprise at all yesterday to see Cruz himself proposing to amend the Constitution to reverse what he sees as an erroneous interpretation by the courts, this time on the issue of marriage. Roll Call reported [ ] on Cruz’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s "tragic" decision yesterday to decline hearing any marriage equality appeals, thus letting same-sex couples in several states get married:

While most Republicans shied away from commenting Monday on the Supreme Court’s historic decision to let stand a slew of lower court rulings legalizing gay marriage, Sen. Ted Cruz torched the court’s decision.

The Texas Republican called the decision “tragic and indefensible” and said he would introduce a constitutional amendment that would ensure states can ban gay marriage.

“By refusing to rule if the States can define marriage, the Supreme Court is abdicating its duty to uphold the Constitution. The fact that the Supreme Court Justices, without providing any explanation whatsoever, have permitted lower courts to strike down so many state marriage laws is astonishing,” he said in a statement.

“It is beyond dispute that when the 14th Amendment was adopted 146 years ago, as a necessary post-Civil War era reform, it was not imagined to also mandate same-sex marriage, but that is what the Supreme Court is implying today. The Court is making the preposterous assumption that the People of the United States somehow silently redefined marriage in 1868 when they ratified the 14th Amendment,” he said.

“Nothing in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the 14th Amendment or any other constitutional provision authorizes judges to redefine marriage for the Nation. It is for the elected representatives of the People to make the laws of marriage, acting on the basis of their own constitutional authority, and protecting it, if necessary, from usurpation by the courts.”

For the record, here is the section of the 14th Amendment [ , ] that courts have been relying on to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

© 2014 People For the American Way


FRC: Marriage Equality Judges Would Flunk Law School

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 11:35 am

The Family Research Council’s Travis Weber [ ] slammed the Fourth, Seventh, and Tenth Circuit Courts yesterday for their decisions knocking down state bans on same-sex marriage, telling “Washington Watch [ ]” guest host Richard Land that the rulings were based on “poorly constructed, very poor analysis.”

“Even thinking back to how we were trained in law school to approach legal questions, if you used some of the analysis that these judges have used in striking down state marriage laws, you would be scolded in a lot of legal writing classes,” he said.

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Downbeat Pat Robertson Criticizes Supreme Court On Marriage Equality

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 11:40 am

Pat Robertson [ ] today rebuked [ (below, as embedded; with comments)] the Supreme Court for “punting” on marriage equality, blasting the courts — along with Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring — for “overriding the wishes of the states” to “protect traditional marriage.”

The “700 Club [ , ]” host later compared the decision to Roe v. Wade: “It’s the same thing with abortion. Instead of letting the people decide as they should’ve under the Constitution, it was taken out of their hands by the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade and because of that no effort by the people has been successful ever since and it’s been a travesty as we’ve seen over 50 million unborn babies slaughtered in this land.”

© 2014 People For the American Way


The Bible Code Definitively Proves Obama Is The Antichrist!
10/7/2014 [with embedded audios , , and ]


Sandy Rios: Riots And Starvation Coming To America

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 3:00 pm

The American Family Association’s Sandy Rios [ ] dedicated much of her radio show [ ] today to attacking the Supreme Court for refusing to hear appeals on several marriage equality cases, which led her to discuss the purported threats to religious freedom that marriage equality is bringing to America.

Rios warned that religious liberty is in peril and viewers should purchase a new AFA DVD, “A Time To Speak [ ].”

“If we don’t do something, I think we’re going to see — and this is radical — I think we’re going to see riots in the street, we’re going to see starvation, we’re going to see things we have never seen before, we’re going to see a complete breakdown in terms of law enforcement, it’s going to be a nightmare,” she said. “This will be what you are handing to your children if you don’t speak up now. I’m not sure we can pull it back, but are you going to say in retrospect that you did nothing?”

[audio ( ) embedded)]

Later in the show, Rios spoke to Kelly Shackelford [ ] of the Liberty Institute [ ] about the supposed death of religious freedom in America, linking it with the news out of the Supreme Court.

Rios said “leaders the [gay rights] movement” are “fascists when it comes to this issue” who “will not stop until people who object are brought to their knees,” an assessment that Shackelford agreed with, and in turn denounced gay rights advocates for using “unconscionable” tactics and pushing “the ultimate intolerance.”

[audio ( ) embedded)]

© 2014 People For the American Way


An 'Utterly Exasperated' Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 3:34 pm

This morning's broadcast of the American Family Association's "Today's Issues" program [ ] was dedicated to promoting the AFA's "A Time to Speak [ ]" documentary, which is aimed at getting pastors to mobilize their congregations to vote in the upcoming elections.

One guest on the program was Mike Huckabee [ ], who began his interview by threatening to leave the Republican Party if the GOP does not take a stand against the Supreme Court's decision [ (above)] yesterday not to hear appeals of lower court rulings striking down gay marriage bans in several states.

Incensed by the decision, Huckabee declared that "I am utterly exasperated with Republicans and the so-called leadership of the Republicans who have abdicated on this issue," warning that by doing so the GOP will "guarantee they're going to lose every election in the future."

"Guarantee it," he said before proclaiming that the Republicans are going to "lose guys like me and a whole bunch of still God-fearing, Bible-believing people" if the party does not stand and fight on the issues of gay marriage and abortion.

"I'm gone," Huckabee warned [ (below, as embedded; with comments)]. "I'll become an independent. I'll start finding people that have guts to stand. I'm tired of this":

© 2014 People For the American Way


Fischer: 'The Gay Gestapo ... Is Basically The Same As Islam'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 10/7/2014 4:27 pm

Bryan Fischer remains furious [ (above)] about the Supreme Court's decision not to hear appeals of lower court rulings striking down gay marriage bans, declaring on his radio program today that gay activism and radical Islam [ ] both operate underneath the same "dark, totalitarian" spirit.

"It's convert, submit, or die a political death," Fischer said, linking the push for marriage equality to radical Islam. "Convert, submit, or be banished. I mean that's really what we're dealing with. This is the same kind of totalitarian strain that you see in Islam and this is the gay gestapo pushing this and their message is basically the same as Islam."

Saying that gay activists are intent on persecuting, imprisoning, or destroying anyone who does not agree with their agenda, Fischer said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)] that "if that sounds just like Islam to you, it's because it is. It's exactly the same dark, totalitarian dynamic that you have in Islam":

© 2014 People For the American Way


Huckabee Urges States To Ignore Rulings On Marriage Equality, Abortion Rights & Church-State Separation

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 10/8/2014 9:49 am

In an interview [ ] with Iowa-based conservative talk show host Steve Deace [ ] on Monday, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee repeated his recommendation that governors simply ignore [ ] the Supreme Court [ ]’s decision to let stand lower court rulings legalizing marriage equality in several new states, adding that state governments should have also ignored Roe v. Wade [ , , ] and the Supreme Court rulings banning school-sponsored prayer [ ].

When Deace pressed him on the “maelstrom” that would be set off if state governments simply ignored court rulings on marriage, Huckabee responded that it was in fact the courts that have set off a “constitutional crisis” by ruling in favor of marriage equality.

“I look back to 1973,” he said, referring to the year in which Roe v. Wade was decided, “and I’m wondering what would have happened if the two branches of government, the executive and the legislative, simply said, ‘We appreciate your opinion, court, but now if states wish to empower that, I guess they can do so, but until that happens we’re not automatically going to go killing 55 million babies over the next 40 years.’”

In cases such as Roe and rulings in favor of marriage equality [ , ] and church-state separation [ , ], Huckabee said, elected officials should have said, “Well, the courts have spoken and it’s an important voice, but it’s not the voice of God and the Supreme Court isn’t God” and simply ignored the courts’ rulings.

[audio ( ) embedded]

Earlier in the interview, Deace insisted that a drop in support for LGBT rights [ ] reported in a recent Pew poll happened because “people are seeing this really isn’t about consensual love…this is really about in the end using the coercive force of government to get you to abandon your own moral conscience.”

Huckabee agreed, adding, “It’s never been an honest situation where those who were advocating the most extreme levels of changing our culture were sincere and straightforward and I don’t think we’ve seen the last of it.”

He added his hope that in reaction to yesterday’s Supreme Court decision, “somewhere there will be a governor who will simply say, ‘No, I’m not going to enforce that’” and order county clerks not to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Richard Land Angry That Gays Will 'Ram' Nondiscrimination Laws 'Down Your Throat'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 10/8/2014 12:40 pm

This week a Kentucky-based administrative law judge upheld [ ] a 2012 human rights commission decision [ ] against a t-shirt company that cited its owner’s religious beliefs to deny service to a local gay service organization.

The ruling did not please Fox News correspondent Todd Starnes [ ] or former Southern Baptist Convention official Richard Land [ ], who discussed the case on yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch [ ],” which Land was guest-hosting.

“What they just did violates the Constitution of the United States,” Land insisted. “It also shows, once again, the ugly face of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender movement. They are not a live-and-let-live bunch, they are, ‘We’re going to ram this down your throat, we’re going to force you to accept this or we’re going to run you out of business.’”

Starnes said the decision was proof of anti-Christian “hostility” against business owners: “Christians are coming under attack for their beliefs.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Catholic League: 'Mindy Project' Showed 'Potentially Lethal' Anal Sex Scene

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 10/8/2014 5:05 pm

The Catholic League [ , ] is displeased with Mindy Kaling, warning in a statement today — “Anal Sex Thrills ‘Mindy’ [ ]” — that the “The Mindy Project” creator, along with her “homosexual writers,” may inadvertently kill people with a suggestive scene involving jokes about anal sex.

HT: RWW reader Andrew.

“Binge drinking, like anal sex, is potentially lethal, but Hollywood only has an interest in promoting the latter,” Catholic League president Bill Donohue [ ] writes. “That’s because of the large number of homosexual writers who work there. Catholics would appreciate it, however, if they would keep their dark secrets in the closet, where they belong.”

Last night’s episode of “The Mindy Project,” a Fox show, opened with an implied sex scene involving Dr. Mindy Lahiri (played by Mindy Kaling) and Danny Castellano (played by Chris Messina); it was titled, “I Slipped!” The room is dark and there is moaning.


After the title sequence, the two characters are shown in an office arguing about the sexual encounter from the night before. Mindy is upset with what Danny did. Danny insists it was a mistake. It is implied that Danny attempted anal sex.


Bill Donohue offers his thoughts on this episode:

Binge drinking, like anal sex, is potentially lethal, but Hollywood only has an interest in promoting the latter. That’s because of the large number of homosexual writers who work there. Catholics would appreciate it, however, if they would keep their dark secrets in the closet, where they belong.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Mat Staver: Third Party Needed To Stop Gay Marriage, Just Like With Slavery

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 10/9/2014 11:20 am

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver, who is [ ] still [ ] reeling [ (above)] from the Supreme Court’s decision this week to allow several lower-court marriage equality rulings to stand, is now lambasting his fellow Republicans for failing to defend the party’s anti-gay positions.

Staver told [ ] Greg Corombos of Radio America yesterday that a third party will be needed to take a strong stance against the legalization of same-sex marriage, just as the Republican Party emerged in the 1850s to oppose slavery as the Whigs were foundering due to divisions on the issue.

When Corombos asked why Republicans have delivered a muted response to the marriage decision, Staver didn’t hold back: “They’re cowards, and if Republicans don’t stand up for this, the party will become a non-issue and there will be a third party that will ultimately take its place. That’s what happened with the issue of slavery and there’s no party that’s immune from this situation.”

He said George W. Bush could have pushed through the Federal Marriage Amendment following the 2004 election but was too fixated on advocating for the privatization of Social Security.

Staver urged Republicans to ignore polls showing growing support for marriage equality: “Just because polls change, that doesn’t make the marriage issue change. You can’t change gravity because a number of people want to fly and get rid of gravity.”

He predicted that the tide will soon turn against gay rights advocates as “more people feel the impact of same-sex marriage, both directly within the family but also specifically with regards to religious liberty.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

Staver added that it is “absolute stupidity” to think that the fight over marriage equality is over: “That would be like saying with regards to Dred Scot, when the Supreme Court said, ‘Sorry Dred Scott, you’re black and blacks are inferior human beings, you don’t have rights of a citizen, therefore the debates over.’ That would be ridiculous then, it’s ridiculous now.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Barber: SCOTUS Is 'Tempting The Wrath Of God' With Gay Marriage Decision

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/9/2014 11:29 am

Matt Barber [ ] and Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel continue [ ] to [ ] fume [ (above)] about the Supreme Court's recent decision to allow several lower-court marriage equality rulings to stand and have dedicated several recent episodes of their "Faith and Freedom" radio program to ranting about it, with Barber at one point warning that America will soon face divine wrath.

On an episode set to run on Tuesday [ ], Barber warns that "homosexual conduct is demonstrably and explicitly, throughout the Old and New Testament, called sin. And when you have a sin-centered redefinition of marriage and the government puts its official stamp on sin, you have the government blessing sin, well, sin cannot be blessed, it cannot be sanctified."

By trying to do so, Barber said, America is "tempting the wrath of God":

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


WV family group condemns 'sodomites;' says same-sex parenting is 'premeditated child abuse,' God will 'give us our just due'

by Jeremy Hooper

Whether or not this will go down in history as the week that the marriage equality fight was officially won remains to be seen. However, I'm pretty sure this will, in fact, go down as the week that social conservatives lost their ever-loving (or at least hetero-loving) minds. As state after state moves toward the right, fair, and inevitable, groups and leaders are seemingly trying to outdo themselves with crazier and harsher statements.

Here's the West Virginia Family Foundation [ ]'s contribution:

WV Family [ ("This content is currently unavailable"), ("Sorry, this page isn't available"), related tweet (still up) (with comments), ]

Well I'm certainly not going to miss them now that I no longer have to care.

Copyright 2014 Good As You [with comments]


Pat Robertson: Halloween Is A 'Festival For Demonic Spirits'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 10/9/2014 12:35 pm

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson once again warned viewers against partaking in “demonic” Halloween revelry [ ]. “Halloween is a festival for demonic spirits,” Robertson said in response to a viewer who wondered whether to let her children go to their aunt’s Halloween party.

“The whole idea of trick-or-treating is the Druids would go to somebody’s house and ask for money and if they didn’t get money they’d kill one of their sheep, that was the sheep and it was serious stuff. All this business about goblins and jack-o’-lanterns all comes out of demonic rituals of the Druids and the people who lived in England at that particular time.”

Robertson suggested that churches instead “turn it into a Christian festival and that’s what we ought to do, we need to redeem these days, but that day was given over to Satanic things.”

Watch [ (next below, as embedded; with comments)]:

© 2014 People For the American Way


Anti-Gay Mega-Donor Sean Fieler Is Funding Mark Regnerus' New Think Tank

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 10/9/2014 2:02 pm

Last year, University of Texas professor Mark Regnerus [ ] — author of a widely panned study on same-sex parenting [ ] that is nonetheless frequently cited on the Religious Right — helped launch a new group [ ] called the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture [ ], which has since been publishing his research on topics including pre-marital sex, divorce, religion among college students and masturbation [ ].

According to tax records filed this summer, the Austin Institute receives much of its funding from one donor: New York hedge fund honcho and social conservative mega-donor Sean Fieler [ , ].

The 2013 tax return [ ] for Fieler’s Chiaroscuro Foundation [ ] reports two grants to the Austin Institute, totaling $250,000. Although the public copy of Chiaroscuro’s tax return obscures the dates of its fiscal year, the organization’s 2010 return [ ] indicates that its tax year runs from January through December.

Meanwhile, the Austin Institute’s return [ ] reports that it took in just $205,000 in contributions between February and June 2013, indicating that a significant portion of its initial funding came from Fieler’s charity.

Fieler’s funding of the Austin Institute shouldn’t come as a surprise. To begin with, he is a trustee of the Witherspoon Institute [ ], the Princeton-based think tank that kicked in $700,000 [ ] for Regnerus’ now infamous “New Family Structures” study. The study claimed to show that children raised by gay and lesbian parents suffer all sorts of harmful consequences like drug use and abuse, despite only actually studying two people raised by same-sex couples [ ].

According to the Austin Chronicle, the new group was quickly dubbed “Witherspoon Institute South [ ]” — a name stemming from its staff’s plentiful ties to the Witherspoon Institute and the Religious Right [ ].

The Austin Institute grants were among the biggest expenditures last year by Fielder’s Chiaroscuro Foundation, many of which went to groups fighting marriage equality and abortion rights. This year, recipients include Americans United for Life ($20,000), the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty ($260,000), the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), which fights pro-choice and LGBT rights initiatives at the U.N. ($20,000), the National Abstinence Education Foundation ($50,000) and the Susan B. Anthony List ($40,000). As ThinkProgress noted [ ] yesterday, Fieler’s foundation also gave $50,000 last year to Morality in Media for its increasingly quixotic anti-porn campaign.

In 2012, the foundation gave $20,000 to the National Organization for Marriage, but seems to have snubbed the group in 2013.

The Chiaroscuro Foundation is just the beginning of Fieler’s influence: Last month, RH Reality Check delved in detail into Fieler’s political spending [ ], including his funding of the American Principles Project and his hand in political races across the country.

While Regnerus’ research at the Austin Institute has so far made less of a splash than his faulty same-sex parenting study, he has continued to lend his voice to the effort to stop marriage equality, including testifying on behalf of a same-sex marriage ban in Michigan this year [ ]. (That move caused some of his UT colleagues to distance themselves from his work [ ].)

The Austin Institute’s most noticeable contribution so far is a viral YouTube video [ (below, as embedded; with comments)] applying a pop-economics veneer to the Religious Right’s favorite target, the sexual revolution. The video explains (in economic terms, of course) how contraception led to women turning against each other while men became video-game playing slobs — the only solution to which is for women to band together to withhold sex until marriage.

And the Austin Institute seems primed to provide more research to conveniently reinforce the Religious Right’s policy views — a solid investment for a donor like Fieler.

UPDATE: A reader points out that the Bradley Foundation, a conservative group that includes the Witherspoon Institute's Robert George on its board and that also helped to fund Regnerus' "New Family Structures" study [ ], also reported a $100,000 grant [ ] to the Austin Institute last year.

© 2014 People For the American Way (emphasis in original)


Pat Buchanan: 'Massive Civil Disobedience' Needed To Fight 'Anti-Christian Discrimination'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 10/10/2014 11:10 am

Incensed with the Supreme Court’s recent decision to turn down appeals of several marriage equality rulings, Pat Buchanan [ ] fears that Americans, a “once-free people,” are now “under the rule of a judicial dictatorship.”

Buchanan writes in his syndicated column today [ ] that court rulings in favor of gay rights are just the latest in a long line of decisions that have “ordered the de-Christianization of all public institutions in what was a predominantly Christian country.”

“Secular humanism became, through Supreme Court edict, our established religion in the United States,” he said. “Why was there not massive civil disobedience against this anti-Christian discrimination, as there was against segregation?”

After praising opponents of desegregation busing for making “our black-robed radicals back down,” Buchanan quotes the pro-slavery, Confederate Army chaplain Robert Lewis Dabney's comments on “the failure of conservatives to halt the march of the egalitarians.”

Do the states have the right to outlaw same-sex marriage?

Not long ago the question would have been seen as absurd. For every state regarded homosexual acts as crimes.

Moreover, the laws prohibiting same-sex marriage had all been enacted democratically, by statewide referenda, like Proposition 8 in California, or by Congress or elected state legislatures.

But today rogue judges and justices, appointed for life, answerable to no one, instruct a once-democratic republic on what laws we may and may not enact.

Last week, the Supreme Court refused to stop federal judges from overturning laws banning same-sex marriage. We are now told to expect the Supreme Court itself to discover in the Constitution a right of men to marry men and of women to marry women.

How, in little more than half a century, did the American people fall under the rule of a judicial dictatorship where judges and justices twist phrases in the Constitution to impose their ideology on this once-free people?


The Supreme Court has ordered the de-Christianization of all public institutions in what was a predominantly Christian country. Christian holy days, holidays, Bibles, books, prayers and invocations were all declared to be impermissible in public schools and the public square.

Secular humanism became, through Supreme Court edict, our established religion in the United States.

And the American people took it.

Why was there not massive civil disobedience against this anti-Christian discrimination, as there was against segregation? Why did Congress, which has the power to abolish every federal district and appellate court and to restrict the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, not act?


In 1954, the Supreme Court ordered the desegregation of all public schools. But when the court began to dictate the racial balance of public schools, and order the forced busing of children based on race across cities and county lines to bring it about, a rebellion arose. Only when resistance became national and a violent reaction began did our black-robed radicals back down.

Yet the Supreme Court was not deterred in its resolve to remake America. In 1973, the Court discovered the right to an abortion in the Ninth Amendment. Then it found, also hidden in the Constitution, the right to engage in homosexual sodomy.

When Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act, Bill Quirk urged it to utilize Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution, and write in a provision stripping the Supreme Court of any right to review the act.

Congress declined, and the court, predictably, dumped over DOMA.


Indeed, with neoconservatives in the van, the GOP hierarchy is today in headlong retreat on same-sex marriage. Its performance calls to mind the insight of that unreconstructed Confederate chaplain to Stonewall Jackson, Robert Lewis Dabney, on the failure of conservatives to halt the march of the egalitarians:

“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. ... Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious, for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom.”

© 2014 People For the American Way


Still More Evidence That David Barton's History Simply Cannot Be Trusted

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 10/10/2014 11:50 am

Several times, we have heard David Barton [ , ] make the absurd claim that biblical law [ ] was directly incorporated into the U.S. Constitution through the Seventh Amendment, which he then uses to assert that laws legalizing abortion [ ] and gay marriage [ ] are unconstitutional.

Lately, Barton has tried to bolster this argument by citing an obscure 1913 Texas Supreme Court ruling in a case called Grigsby v Reib, which he claims proves that America can never accept a definition of marriage that differs from God's definition.

In Barton's telling, this case was about efforts to attain legal recognition for secular "civil unions" that were separate from marriage as a religious institution but which the court denied on the grounds that "government is not allowed to redefine something that God himself has defined."

On his radio show yesterday [ ], Barton once again cited the case and read excerpts from the decision to argue that gay marriage can never be legal:

[audio ( ) embedded]

Marriage was not originated by human law. When God created Eve, she was a wife to Adam; they then and there occupied the status of husband to wife and wife to husband ... The truth is that civil government has grown out of marriage. which created homes, and population, and society, from which government became necessary. Marriages will produce a home and family that will contribute to good society, to free and just government, and to the support of Christianity. It would be sacrilegious to apply the designation "a civil contract" to such a marriage. It is that and more; a status ordained by God.

The key finding in this case, Barton asserts, is that the court basically ruled that "we can't do something different than what God's done on" the issue of marriage.

Given that nothing that Barton says ought ever to be taken at face value, we decided to read the court decision for ourselves and, not surprisingly, found that Barton's interpretation of the ruling is entirely misleading.

The case involved a woman named Jessie Stallcup, who claimed to have been the wife of a widower named G.M.D. Grigsby and who had sued Grigsby's sister for control of his estate following his death. Stallcup was a prostitute whom Grigsby used to visit and she claimed that the two had agreed to become husband and wife, though they never held a ceremony, nor did they cohabitate or take any other actions to signal that they were now living has husband and wife.

The case heard by the Texas Supreme Court revolved around Stallcup's contention that she lost her lawsuit because the trial court ignored a binding appellate court precedent that stated that a common law marriage "requires only the agreement of the man and woman to become then and thenceforth husband and wife. When this takes place, the marriage is complete."

The Texas Supreme Court disagreed with Stallcup's contention, pointing out that the ruling in question involved a couple that had lived and presented themselves as husband and wife following their agreement, with the Texas Supreme Court stating that it takes more than a simple verbal agreement to constitute a legitimate marriage.

To demonstrate this point, the Texas Supreme Court proposed a hypothetical situation in which a man and a women met for the first time, agreed to become man and wife, and then went their separate ways, never to see one another again. This obviously would not constitute a binding marriage, the court found, and neither did the relationship between Stallcup and Grigsby on the grounds that, beyond their apparent agreement, they never took any further steps to establish themselves as husband and wife.

"It would be sacrilegious" to give legal standing to such relationships, the court found, because it would then give complete strangers the right to contest seemingly every inheritance by simply claiming to have been the secret spouse of the deceased.

Contrary to Barton's claims that this case enshrines divine principles about marriage into our civil laws, the court repeatedly notes that marriage is a nothing more than a civil contract that requires "neither license nor solemnization of religious or official ceremony" to be legally binding.

?Barton claims that this case was about trying to create a secular alternative to marriage, which the court slapped down because there can never be any legal marriage that does not correspond to "God's definition." In reality, the case addressed the issue of whether a supposedly secret verbal agreement to become husband and wife constitutes a legally binding and recognizable common law marriage and whether the relationship between Stallcup and Grigsby qualified as one under the law, with the court ruling that it did not because it didn't meet the most basic requirements.

This is just one more example of Barton's willingness to intentionally and flagrantly misrepresent history in order to promote his religious and political agenda.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Linda Harvey: Fight 'Evil' Gay Marriage With 'Civil Disobedience'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 10/10/2014 12:10 pm

Linda Harvey [ ] of Mission America [ ] warned on her radio bulletin yesterday that America has entered “a time of possible civil disobedience” following the Supreme Court’s recent marriage equality announcement, telling listeners that “we must not serve the interests of sin and darkness” and “this court’s inaction is an act motivated by evil and deception and ultimately will not stand.”

“This is attempted theft of what God has ordained and our Lord will not honor this lawlessness,” Harvey said. “Allowing homosexuality to become normal in America may certainly be part of God’s judgment on our once-Christian nation for our irresponsible sexual practices and for turning our back on what the Lord has taught us. Even so, God will at some point allow the consequences of such defiance to play itself out and that will be a very tragic day indeed for those who have thumbed their noses at the Lord as they celebrate sin.”

Harvey hoped the court’s action will actually give a boost to the work of anti-gay activists: “Those of us who know the truth about homosexuality are far from finished, and in fact, God will use this cowardly act by the majority in our high court to bring a new zeal and fervor to the pro-family movement.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Vatican’s top judge: Keep kids away from ‘wrong, evil’ gays for their own protection

David Ferguson
10 Oct 2014

The former Archbishop of St. Louis and current Cardinal Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Cardinal Raymond Burke said in an interview published Thursday that families have a responsibility to protect their children from exposure to LGBT people. Family members or not, he said, people who “suffer from same-sex attraction” are “inherently disordered” and their relationships are “always and everywhere wrong, evil.”

David Badash at The New Civil Rights Movement [ ] reported that Burke made the series of bigoted statements in an interview published Thursday [ ] on antichoice website [ ].

Alongside headlines like “My husband divorced me for his gay lover — then took our children [ ]” and “Medical Board revokes license of notorious abortionist for severely injuring 18-year-old woman [ ],” Cardinal Burke responded to a question [ ] by an Australian family as to whether or not their gay son should be invited to the family’s Christmas celebration.

Burke — who ranks second only to Pope Francis in the Catholic church’s judicial hierarchy — said the family should shun and isolate their son, but in a “calm, serene, reasonable and faith-filled manner.” They should do it, he said, because it will harm the family’s youngest members to see someone who is LGBT being treated like a normal person.

“If homosexual relations are intrinsically disordered, which indeed they are — reason teaches us that and also our faith — then, what would it mean to grandchildren to have present at a family gathering a family member who is living [in] a disordered relationship with another person?” he asked.

“We don’t want our children,” Burke said, to get the “impression” that such relationships are normal and acceptable rather than as “gravely sinful acts on the part of a family member.”

“We wouldn’t, if it were another kind of relationship — something that was profoundly disordered and harmful — we wouldn’t expose our children to that relationship, to the direct experience of it,” he went on. “And neither should we do it in the context of a family member who not only suffers from same-sex attraction, but who has chosen to live out that attraction, to act upon it, committing acts which are always and everywhere wrong, evil.”

The family, he said, must find a way to stay close to their gay or lesbian family member so as to “draw the person away from a relationship which is disordered.”

Conservative Catholic organization Voice of the Family [ ] echoed Burke’s sentiments in a statement that said, in part, “The unqualified welcome of homosexual couples into family and parish environments in fact damages everybody, by serving to normalize the disorder of homosexuality.”

In July, Burke’s former diocese — the Archdiocese of St. Louis — settled out of court [ ] with a woman known as Jane Doe 92, who alleged that the church hierarchy enabled and shielded from prosecution a priest who molested her from the age of 5 to the age of 9.

As part of the discovery process in the Jane Doe suit, the Missouri Supreme Court forced the St. Louis diocese to hand over a list of all of its priests who have been accused of sexual misconduct with children.

The list is sealed, but court records show “a matrix of 240 complaints against 115 priests and other church employees dating back decades.”

Jane Doe’s sex abuse case was only the second suit against the Catholic church in St. Louis history to make it to trial.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch [id.], Burke’s former archdiocese “has spent more than $10 million on costs related to sexual abuse since 2004, according to its 2013 annual report.”

Watch video of Cardinal Burke’s remarks [ (with comments)], embedded below:

Copyright 2014 Raw Story [with comments] [and see "Cardinal Raymond Burke Takes Break From Vatican Synod To Say Ugly Things About Gay Relationships", (with the same YouTube embedded, and comments), and/including "Vatican debate on gays provokes strong reaction from all corners", (with comments)]


Rep. Rob DeSantis: GOP Will Never Ditch Anti-Gay Positions

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 10/10/2014 12:55 pm

Responding today to Mike Huckabee’s threat to leave the GOP over Republican leaders’ muted response to gay marriage victories [ (above)], Rep. Rob DeSantis [ ] reassured the former governor that the Republican Party is not giving up on its fight against gay rights.

The freshman Republican from Florida told Newsmax TV [ (next below; comments disabled)]
that Huckabee and other Religious Right leaders shouldn’t even think about leaving the GOP.

“Being in Congress and seeing the left wing of the Democratic Party and the elite media in action, they are hostile to conservative cultural values across the board, they are hostile to religious liberty and a lot of our traditions and I think that the Republican Party and conservative voters are really the only force against that,” he said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)].

“I understand where [Huckabee's] coming from but I think there’s a whole bunch of issues in which the left is hostile to where the governor is going to be coming from and really you’ve got to have a strong opposition party to be able to stand up for those values.”

© 2014 People For the American Way


NOM Hails Huckabee, Echoes His Threat To Abandon The GOP Over Gay Marriage

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 10/10/2014 3:11 pm

Earlier this week, Mike Huckabee ripped into the Republican Party for what he feels is its insufficient willingness to take a public stand against gay marriage, declaring [ (above)] that he is "utterly exasperated" with the GOP and its leadership on the issue. He threatened to leave the party and take a bunch of "God-fearing, Bible-believing people" with him unless the party speaks out more forcefully against gay rights.

Predictably, the National Organization for Marriage hailed Huckabee as a hero [ ] today, praising him for "speaking for millions of Americans who are sick of Republican elitists remaining silent and refusing to fight for the survival of marriage." The anti-gay organization echoed Huckabee's complaints and similarly warned that "millions of conservatives will abandon [the GOP] and join with officials who will fight" if the party does not take a stand on this issue:

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today praised Governor Mike Huckabee for his comments calling out Republicans for failing to stand strong for marriage in the face of the unconscionable decision of the US Supreme Court to allow lower court decisions redefining marriage to take effect without so much as even considering their merits. Huckabee told an interviewer that if Republicans abdicate on marriage and abortion he would leave the party and become an Independent. "I'll start finding people that have guts to stand," he pledged.

"Governor Huckabee is exactly right and is speaking for millions of Americans who are sick of Republican elitists remaining silent and refusing to fight for the survival of marriage, the principal building block of society and the foundation of civilization," said Brian S. Brown, president of NOM. "Republicans who remain silent on marriage do so at their own peril and risk losing elections across the country. If conservatives see Republican candidates fail to lead on marriage — or worse, come out in favor of redefining marriage — then conservatives will abandon those candidates."

Brown said that some Republican leaders were actively supporting candidates who are not only in favor of same-sex 'marriage,' but also support abortion. House Speaker John Boehner and the National Republican Campaign Committee are actively supporting Carl DeMaio (CA-52) and Richard Tisei (MA-6), both of whom are campaigning in favor of gay 'marriage' and support abortion.

"NOM has joined with other groups to actively campaign against Carl DeMaio and Richard Tisei, along with Oregon Republican US Senate candidate Monica Wehby, because they are antithetical to the Republican platform and GOP principles," said Brown. "We refuse to follow the leaders in Washington as if we were sheep expected to dutifully support candidates whose positions are an insult to conservatives and will severely damage the nation. We are going to do our best to defeat these candidates because they are wholly unworthy of holding high office."

Brown noted that some prominent Republicans such as Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Tim Huelskamp and others had condemned the US Supreme Court's decision to allow the redefinition of marriage to proceed apace in five states.

"We are grateful for those leaders who have spoken out to condemn the Supreme Court for their unprincipled and outrageous decision to allow the redefinition of marriage to occur in these states," Brown said. "We are prepared to work tirelessly to support them and others who lead in the fight to preserve marriage. But Governor Huckabee is right. If more Republican leaders do not speak up and join the fight, then millions of conservatives will abandon them and join with officials who will fight. Marriage is on the line in our country, and it's time for people to get off the bench and into the battle."

© 2014 People For the American Way


NOM's unwitting, fitting typo

by Jeremy Hooper

From the anti-gay National Organization For Marriage's latest e-blast:

NOM [ (typo since corrected)]

For once I believe them. The ever-resolute NOM's clearly learned no lessons from the Supreme Court or any other recent actions that repudiate their cause.

Although in this same email Brian Brown does admit NOM's cause is "on the ropes [ ]." So maybe a few more "lessonings" will lead to a lessening soon enough.

Copyright 2014 Good As You [with comments]


Sandy Rios: 'Evil Force' Is Driving Liberals To Bring Chaos, Violence And Starvation To America

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 10/10/2014 3:50 pm

Sandy Rios of the American Family Association delivered another morbid prediction about America’s future [ (above)] today on her talk radio show, explaining that the country isn’t witnessing political fights between Republicans and Democrats but is actually experiencing a Satanic assault against America.

“This is not business as usual, this is not Republicans versus Democrats, this is not normal. This is the left hell-bent on destroying — there is an evil force of many different stripes working together to destroy all that we hold dear and good. If we do not fight back there will be — people going to lose their jobs in droves, we’re going to lose our health care, there will be hunger, I think there will be riots, I think there will be violence,” she said. “I’m not saying next week, I’m not saying after the November elections, I’m not saying that, but I’m telling you that our system is getting ready to implode.”

While looking out on the city of Chicago during a recent trip to the city, Rios said she realized that soon America “will fall” because “the foundations are crumbling.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Harlem 'Stone Homos' Pastor Leading Event Aiming To Close Mississippi's Only Abortion Clinic

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 10/10/2014 5:20 pm

The right-wing Harlem pastor James David Manning [ ], notorious for his [ ] inflammatory [ ] anti-Obama [ ] remarks [ ] and statements calling for the murder of gays and lesbians [ ], is joining forces with Flip Benham [ ]’s Operation Save America [ ] to stage a “pro-life” event in Jackson, Mississippi.

Manning, along with WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie [ ], is taking part in a rally demanding the closure of the only clinic in Mississippi which offers abortion services. Manning said the event, “Operation: Let My People Go [ ],” will emulate the Freedom Riders in their effort to have activists “descend on The [Jackson Women’s Health Organization] to close Mississippi's only abortion mill.”

"Mississippi stands on the verge of making history, the first abortion-free state in America. We are excited to help hasten the day. In 'Operation: Let My People Go' we will join our black brethren to confront the last remaining death camp in Mississippi and beyond. The racial root of abortion that has led to black genocide must be addressed. Since our black brethren are a target of this monstrosity, they hold a powerful key to defeat it." Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, National Director of Operation Save America


Pastor James Manning, Harlem, NY will lead the team of delegates and deliver the eulogy for The Jackson Women's Health Organization. He declared, "A delegation of pastors, politicians, community leaders, and students, reminiscent of the 'Freedom Riders,' from all over America will descend on The JWHO to close Mississippi's only abortion mill."

Mychal Massie from Daily Rant stated, "Between 1882 and 1968, there were 3,446 blacks lynched in the United States. That is an 86 year span. Today in the United States there are 1,876 black babies murdered in the womb every day – which means the total known number of blacks lynched over an 86-year period is surpassed approximately every 45 hours. How many of those 1,876 preborn black babies are murdered at the abortion death mill located right here in Mississippi?" The statistics are shocking. Over 80 percent are committed against babies of color. The majority are black.

Bishop Otis Kenner II, Presiding Bishop of Kingdom Growth Fellowship of United Churches, recently became an Operation Save America leader and OSA's liaison to the black church in America. Kenner believes, "It is time the slumbering spirit that has muted the voices of the African American pastors be awakened. We know that abortion is happening among our members and in our communities, yet we turn a deaf ear and have remained silent far too long. Influence is a waste when not applied to the right circumstances. I urge pastors in God's stead to engage in the work of the church and join with Operation Save America. We must stop the slaying of innocent souls that has decimated our race and invoked God's wrath upon our nation."

Organizers also intend to sign an “Emancipation Proclamation For the Pre-born Child [ ]”:

Right after the press conference on Wednesday, October 15 at 11 AM, the following document will be read and officially signed. All Mississippians and out of state participants in “Operation: Let My People Go” event are welcomed to come and sign this historic document right at the last remaining death camp in Mississippi.

The National Emancipation Proclamation For the Pre-born Child

We, the pastors, elders, and citizens of the United States of America, do hereby declare on this 15th day of October, in the year of our Lord, 2014, that all children, from conception forward, are human beings. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In regard to these children, our government has been in rebellion against the Law of Almighty God since January 22, 1973. The Supreme Court of the United States of America, declared that children in their mother’s womb were not fully human and therefore were not entitled to the full protection of the laws of our land. Because of this open rebellion and blatant disregard for the Law of God and for life, our nation is suffering under the remedial judgments of God Himself. Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, work places, and streets. Because we have not hated bloodshed, bloodshed is now pursuing us (Ezekiel 35:6).

We the pastors, elders, and citizens of the city of Jackson, Mississippi and these United Sates, do hereby this day, hold the Supreme Court of the United States in contempt of the Court of Almighty God. We hold it in contempt of the lives of the children it was sworn to protect. We hold in contempt of the Court before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

By virtue of the power and authority vested in us as pastors, elders, and members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we declare that the lives of all children (born and preborn) are sacred to God and worthy of defense. We with one voice decree, the preborn child shall now and forevermore be set free to live in America. They shall be welcomed in life and protected by law. Upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, we invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God.

We enjoin our brothers and sisters in Jackson to join us in this noble endeavor to speak for those children in the womb who cannot speak for themselves (Proverbs 31:8,9).

Ascribed in the city of Jackson this 15th day of October, in the year of our Lord, 2014.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Pastor On Marriage Equality Court Victories: 'The Republic Is Officially Dead'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/14/2014 12:15 pm

Right-wing pastor Paul Blair [ ] of Reclaiming America for Christ [ ] is not happy that same-sex marriage is now legal [ ] in his home state of Oklahoma, and took to BarbWire [ ] today [ ] to call on state government officials to defy federal court rulings on issues like marriage.

Blair warns that “the republic is officially dead” as a result of overreaching government officials and judges, charging that the courts “have no authority” to strike down Oklahoma’s ban on same-sex marriage.

He writes if the states don’t push back against the judiciary, then people like Judge Terence Kern, who ruled in favor of two lesbian couples challenging the ban, might as well run all state affairs: “Let’s dissolve the state legislature, send the governor home and everyone else saving us at least half of our state’s annual budget. Apparently Federal Judge Kern already rules the state, so let him have an office in downtown OKC and we can be ruled by our masters and quit kidding ourselves.”

When leaving Constitution Hall in 1787, it is reported that Benjamin Franklin was asked by a passerby, “What kind of government did you give us?” His response, “A republic, ma’am. If you can keep it.”

Well, Mr. Franklin, the republic is officially dead.


Raising a navy? That is the Federal Government’s business. Healthcare? Not their business. Negotiating a treaty with France? That is the Federal Government’s business. Telling children what their educational curriculum must be? Not their business. Declaring war on a country threatening our security? That is the Federal Government’s business. Telling the farmers in western Oklahoma how much dust they can produce? Not their business. Organizing a postal service? That is the Federal Government’s business. Overruling the State Constitution in Oklahoma to redefine God’s definition of marriage? They have no authority and this is not their business.


I propose we do one of two things and will use my home state of Oklahoma as an example.

Option 1: If we are really ruled by Washington, then let’s quit pretending. If the only purpose of our state legislature is to vote on the “Doctor of the Week” or choose what the “State Bird” or “State Flower” should be, let’s close down the state government and save the money. If any real piece of legislation, like when the Citizens of Oklahoma voted 76% to amend our State Constitution to officially define marriage as one man and one woman, can simply be overruled by a single, non-elected, politically appointed Federal judge, then let’s just admit we are ruled by our masters in Washington. Let’s sell the state capital and turn it into a museum. It has to be worth at least $150 million. Let’s dissolve the state legislature, send the governor home and everyone else saving us at least half of our state’s annual budget. Apparently Federal Judge Kern already rules the state, so let him have an office in downtown OKC and we can be ruled by our masters and quit kidding ourselves.

Option 2: Imagine a world without the IRS. Imagine a world without the EPA. The states, who created the Federal government have the ability to say “NO” when the federal government acts illegally (Federalist #33, Tenth Amendment). Several conservative states like Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Louisiana and others, begin by first auditing the Federal Reserve, then proceed to eliminate it, so they cannot create money out of thin air. We dissolve the IRS and have each state collect revenue at the state level. Then, the states send to Washington their proportionate share for carrying out their Constitutionally defined duties. Goodbye national debt as they would be forced to live on the allowance we send them. No one would fall through the cracks as social programs can be far more efficiently operated at far less cost on the state and local level than funneling money through D.C. so that 12,000 lobbyists can all take out their share. Through eliminating federal regulations, we could unleash the energy industry in America and unleash our entrepreneurial spirit. We can break OPEC while simultaneously paying off our own national debt.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Rep. Frank Wolf Says Christians May Need To Go To Jail In Order To Wake Up America

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 10/14/2014 1:21 pm

On Sunday, a variety of Religious Right groups hosted a webcast called "iPledgeSunday [ ] 2014: The Rise of the Church [ ]," designed to mobilize right-wing Christians before the midterm elections. Hosted by the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and Live Action [ ]'s Lila Rose [ ], the event [ (next below; comments disabled))]
featured in-person interviews with people like Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver, as well as a variety of pre-taped interviews with Religious Right activists including David Barton, Jim Garlow [ ], and the Benham Brothers [ ].

Rep. Frank Wolf [ ] also appeared in a prerecorded interview, telling Perkins that religious liberty is under attack in America because the church has been intimidated and fallen into silence.

In order to combat this, the Virginia Republican said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)], Americans need to imitate people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dietrich Bonhoeffer and prepare to go to prison in the face of government oppression.

"Frankly," Wolf said, "some people in the church may have to go to jail and that would wake up America. That would literally wake up America if they arrested a cardinal, if they arrested a bishop, if they arrested a prominent pastor":

© 2014 People For the American Way


Benham Brothers Once Again Compare Themselves To ISIS Victims

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 10/14/2014 2:17 pm

During last weekend's "iPledge Sunday" event [ (embedded in the item just above)], the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins interviewed David and Jason Benham, who repeated their new favorite talking point [ ] likening the loss of their planned reality television show [ ] to Christians who are being murdered by ISIS in the Middle East.

"This is a spiritual battle," Jason said. "From the outset, there was a war in Heaven and now it's manifesting itself here on this earth" in the form of attacks on Christians like them.

"We see the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, truth and lies," David said, pointing to ISIS as he then declared that "what's happening with swords over in the Middle East is happening with silence over here in America."

"The exact same agenda in the form of silence," he said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)]. "That's their weapon and Jason and I were targeted and it's a very well orchestrated, well-oiled machine that comes after us."

Perkins completely agreed, saying that "in the Middle East they use the sword, and here they use silence but in both ways the voice of Christians are lost":

© 2014 People For the American Way


Tony Perkins: Legalizing Gay Marriage Is Just Like Ignoring Gravity

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/14/2014 3:00 pm

On his radio program [ ] yesterday, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins criticized marriage equality supporters for trying to “marginalize and silence those who support traditional marriage,” warning that the success of the gay rights movement will have grave consequences.

Despite the recent string of court victories in favor of marriage equality, Perkins said “marriage will be an issue” on the campaign trail that “will not go away because it’s rooted in nature.”

“You can act like it’s not there, you can act like gravity doesn’t work, but I’m going to tell you it will catch up with you sooner or later and you are going to hit the ground and culturally we are going to hit the ground by ignoring the realities of marriage,” he said.

[audio ( ) embedded]

Later in the show, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel said that by declining appeals from states trying to uphold their bans on same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court effectively spread a “fire” around the country and is now trying to avoid the blame.

[audio ( ) embedded]

Instead of the Supreme Court stepping in and putting a stop to it to allow these marriage amendments to be upheld, something that they hinted at they might do last year, they just stood by the side, crossed their arms and said, ‘It’s not us, it’s the other courts that are doing it, we’re just not going to get involved.’ It’s like pushing a car off the cliff and watching it fall and then saying, ‘We’re not the ones who really caused the damage, it was the impact down below.’

But the Supreme Court started this, they literally took a match and threw it onto a gas can in 2013 [in the Windsor case]. And as that fire began to race across the country they had the ability to put it out and instead they just stood to the side and they’re not going to take the blame for it, but it literally is the blame of the United States Supreme Court with this 5-4 decision in 2013. It is irresponsible, absolutely irresponsible for this court to do that.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Linda Harvey: 'Ally Week' Is Satanic

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 10/14/2014 3:25 pm

Linda Harvey of Mission America knows who is really behind the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s Ally Week [ ]: Satan.

She said during her radio bulletin yesterday that Ally Week “peddles deviance and immorality” that will lead to “discrimination” against Christians in schools.

“No responsible parent,” Harvey added, would let their children become “endorsers of homosexuality.”

“Here’s the real trick of Satan: It’s especially children like yours and mine, raised as Christians, raised to want to be kind to others as God has been merciful to us, who are more vulnerable,”

[audio ( ) embedded]

Later, Harvey said that gay rights supporters are the real bullies [ ] while the true allies and friends of LGBT children would tell them that they are sinners who will continue to offend God unless they change and repent.

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© 2014 People For the American Way (emphasis in original)


NC pastor comes unglued over coming gay weddings: ‘You think Ebola is bad now, just wait!’

Berean Baptist Church Pastor Pastor Ron Baity (screen grab)

David Edwards
14 Oct 2014

A Baptist pastor is warning that God will escalate the Ebola crisis when North Carolina begins performing same-sex marriages.

During his Sunday sermon [ ] following a series of court actions that effectively struck down North Carolina’s constitutional ban on marriage equality, Berean Baptist Church Pastor Pastor Ron Baity suggested that homosexuality was a sign of the End Times.

“So the book of the Revelation is about End Times events and what happens when this world is destroyed by fire, when the stars and the universe and the sun and the moon, like untimely figs cast from a tree, are just completely done away with and annihilated,” he said, telling his congregation to focus on what the Bible said would happen before that.

“Listen, folks, it’s on,” he announced. “You might as well get ready for it. It’s on. It’s just a matter of time when they’re going to say to the churches… It’s just a matter of time before our constitution in our churches will be overturned like our state constitution just been overturned this week. I mean, it’s coming.”

Baity said that even after God flooded the Earth to stop homosexuality, people were “out of their habitation” in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

“They were doing something that was not normal, they were doing something that was not natural, and as a result of that, like God judged this world with a flood, he judged Sodom and Gomorrah with fire!” the pastor exclaimed. “The most blasphemous thing I’ve heard in 40 years of ministry, I heard on the news last night, where rogue judges have gone against the will of the ministry and made America a country where there’s totalitarianism, where there are judges who have set themselves up as dictators to overthrow the will of the people! And they placed their sanction upon marriage that is out of the habitation of God’s creation!”

Baity said that he also saw an official “place his blessing upon two men” by pronouncing them “husband and husband.”

“Now, I want you to understand, there’s something about that that just don’t ring clear,” he insisted. “There’s something about that that goes against everything that God has taught us in his word. There’s something about that that merits the judgement of God, according to the book of Jude. There’s something about that that just doesn’t work.”

Baity noted that the official had taken it “one step farther” when he “blasphemed the God of heaven” by blessing the wedding.

“If you think for one skinny minute, God is going to stand idly by and allow this to go forward without repercussions, you better back up and rethink this situation,” he warned. “I want you to understand, that is raw, pure blasphemy.”

“I hope this message gets through the Internet,” Baity said, addressing the judges who had stricken same-sex marriage bans. “There’s another day that’s going to get called in court, there’s another session of court. And it’s higher than the federal court, and it’s higher than the Supreme Court.”

The Baptist minister concluded by comparing LGBT people to cows, and saying that they only had could continue the farm because “we had to turn loose in the pasture a bull.”

“There was never a cow going around slobbering on another cow, sending a signal that I’m in love with this cow,” he said. “And when the bull got in the pasture, we didn’t have to give them a course in bullology or cowology. They had an inborn nature, they knew exactly and precisely what they needed to do to make sure that the Baity family had cows 20 years from now.”

“I would hate to think that two skunks in the backyard was smart than a judge that supposed to have studied the laws of the land,” Baity remarked. “Listen, we’re not getting wiser, we’re getting dumber! We’re not getting smarter. My friend, we are meriting, we are bringing the judgement of God on this nation as sure as Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, don’t be surprised at the plagues. Don’t be surprised at the judgement of God.”

“You think Ebola is bad now, just wait. If it’s not that, it’s going to be something else. My friends, I want you to understand, you can’t thumb your nose at God, and God turn his head away without God getting your attention.”

In 2012, the year that North Carolina voted for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, Baity preached [ ] that LGBT people were like “maggots” and murderers, who were promoting “perversion” in schools. That same year, Tony Perkins personally awarded Baity [ ] the Family Research Council’s top “pro-family” award.

“This award is given to a pastor who has demonstrated outstanding servant leadership for the heart and soul of America, but more importantly for the advancement of God’s Kingdom,” Perkins said at the time. “It’s fitting we honor those who are faithfully working to engage our culture for Jesus Christ.”

Listen to the audio below from the Berean Baptist Church.

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(h/t: Good As You [ ])

Copyright 2014 Raw Story


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