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Golf Pro

09/29/14 10:21 PM

#14050 RE: drrc1949 #14045

The new instrumentation designed specifically with the single site hysterectomy in mind will facilitate easier gutter ** work via Da Vinci single site robotic platform. The needle driver ( robotic counterpart to needle holder ) will allow for easier suturing regardless of site location uterine body fallopian tubes or ovary removal . Of course other uses in their MIS platform approaches or techniques will also benefit from this design .

The opinion is all hypothetical as the single site is not currently being sold . However it seems an essential and needed device to have a complete array of instrumentation to operate . To do surgery and not suture would really limit the application.

The wristed movement is the IP intuit has built their devices around and is functional but I would say it will not tolerate the advances of the next 5 to 10 years . Specifically the sport that many of us on here have invested in I believe will be so much more user friendly .

In my opinion the snakelike technology of sport will not only be the next logical evolution of MIS surgery but eventually dominate the market comparatively speaking to the endo-wrist instrumentation.

That being hypothesized the MIS single site Da Vinci currently is not a stand alone platform so the mobility or lack there of along with cost are considered negatives . Many on here feel as if the Sport is going after a different market I think the Sport will not only compete with Da Vinci single site MIS on every level I expect it to excel. Intuit would have to completely reinvent themselves to compare to many of the Sports strengths .

To a certain extent ISRG continues to attract and develop users of MIS equipment and train surgeons that we will eventually recruit and have as a customer base. I am greatful they are in the market place and really appreciate their pioneering efforts as many of us will become very wealthy as a result.

I completely disagree with the earlier post about what they witnessed in the video . I suppose it requires a trained eye to understand what it is looking at !!!!

Hope that helps


** Gutter work female anatomy is easily found on one side or the other ( gutter ) and lends itself as an easy target for MIS approach and a great confidence builder as surgeons evolve to other areas .
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09/29/14 10:35 PM

#14053 RE: drrc1949 #14045

Yes, this is for the Si single site. They've been working on wrists instruments for the current single site. It provides similar wrist action seen with the multisite davinci Si. It was very difficult to suture with the Si single site a Davinci. (I've tried it). Very little mobility. Surgeon feels like a T-Rex.
SPORT will already have more than that level of mobility IMO. I wonder what the cost will be.