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09/30/14 8:17 AM

#201934 RE: Serenity #201930

Whenever a CEO starts soliciting BADLY BURNT round 1 loyals for funding using all the typical pos-land carrots and tag lines Eric's now exposed emails to hope sadly reflect...the outcome of the stocks performance in round 2 is already a given!

Unbelievable how Eric thought he could dangle some fake azz bonus/gesture to hope b4 the reverse split then immediately start begging him for funding with his endless tales of "woe is eric" hope and the rest of the round 1 loyals he had just crucified with his MASSIVE 500 to 1 reverse split never noticed and were just gonna begin blindly handing him monies directly now behind the scenes sheesh!

Black Beerd

09/30/14 10:06 AM

#201937 RE: Serenity #201930


Talk about lowers getting lower... this CEO has turned into a street beggar rattling his can on the corner...Please will work for ticket to VA. .. I have never witnessed such desperation and then to think he wants someone to put on their credit card a 5k expense..... and for what???? A meeting that went so called "good" for a monumental bust in the GSA contract? The be all to end all game changer contracts? that kept cust service manning the card table desks on sat night at 10:30 waiting for a telethon phone ringing order processing extravaganza? and just what was he going to offer hope that could be "making it worth it for him" ???

Soliciting funds like this is HIGHLY ILLEGAL by SEC rules... then to deceive someone by telling them they can make it worth while? .. this CEO seemingly must stop sniffing the open bottles. I can hardly believe a new low can be had here but clearly I am wrong about that.

This isn't a peek... this is a open bay window into lack of character and zero nobility in anyone doing this. Then he uses email? a forever typed document to do this solicitation with? I can't believe it.