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09/27/14 9:32 PM

#2964 RE: JDUser1963 #2963

The post you are responding to is in relationship to companies ready to mass produce the TKMR thearapy if it is found to work. Multiple therapies will be tested by multiple companies.

Odds are that TKM-ebola will come out on top, but, the reality is that there isn't enough data yet to know which therapy will be best overall. That won't happen until each of the companies with experimental therapies treats 100 to 200 sick patients.

For more info on companies doing work in the ebola space you may want to read the following:

Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Is More Than Just A Short-Term Ebola Trade

For the ones most likely to be used you can read this one:
4 Companies To Look At After WHO Ebola Consultation In Geneva

ROFLMAO, there are no other companies. Only TMKR. They want the World to think the scientists are all hot on the ebola tail, the truth is it takes a long time to go from lab to patient as in years. Mapp has already shown it can have a serious allergic side effect, and that's about it folks! Nothing to deliver to Africa right now. So what to produce? Who will produce it? Who has the process design for high output? Who has the infrastructure supply management chain? Who has the experience with animal models and now quasi clinical field use? Who has the quickest patent recovery results?

TKMR. No argument, this is as slam dunk as it gets. We should be talking about military containment and medical treatment sites at this point and who bears the cost because I can guarantee its already a done deal. The new hedge fund moves were the tip off, they always have the IN.


09/27/14 10:50 PM

#2970 RE: JDUser1963 #2963


TKMR now has to make 200 doses of TKMR and get that to the WHO for testing in AFrica.

Then there is the need for maybe a million doses of EBOLA by TKMR and that will take time and maybe many companies working long hours at the same time to make enough EBOLA medicine in time.

Enough to head off an epidemic.
