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09/29/14 3:34 PM

#12864 RE: al44 #12862

Of all the socialist horrors wrought against the American public by the Obama administration and its small but impressively insane group of followers, the neoliberals are at least relatively open about their disdain for the Constitution as well as their intentions to reduce our country to a Third World communist enclave.

As I continued to read, I couldn't mentally get past the intro above that essentially discredited everything that followed. A false equivalency premise vis-a-vis liberal goals and conservative goals really only serves the neo-cons who's goals ARE to relegate the nation to third world status with the 1%ers at the top and everyone else on the growing and desperate bottom.

I personally know "liberal" members of congress and a long serving "liberal" Senator. The notion that they "...are at least relatively open about their disdain for the Constitution as well as their intentions to reduce our country to a Third World communist enclave." is laughable. The national tragedy is that too many voters and/or non-voters believe this FauxNews worthy "fact". The reality couldn't be further from this "notion".

There truly IS a "left/right paradigm" that seeks a different end. The "cons" play the no difference card to their advantage by bringing down in the eyes and ears of anyone who will listen a Faux "liberal" agenda to their level of behavior in the, "...they all do it" mantra.

I just isn't true.

AND, what would happen if it was true...even though it's not?

The "Neo-cons" are Fascist by definition - worse case, you get stood up against a wall and shot...

The Faux "Liberal" socialist worse case, at least has good dental...