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09/27/14 3:32 PM

#5838 RE: MDMSCF #5837

thanks for the article .


09/27/14 8:24 PM

#5839 RE: MDMSCF #5837

Yeh, thanks for the article. Someone on this board once said that if you put a sell order on your shares every day at a price it will not reach, shorters can't borrow your shares. I guess that's one small way to fight back,


09/29/14 2:48 AM

#5840 RE: MDMSCF #5837

Excellent article, thanks: LUV this part:

"Feuerstein declined to speak to me last week, but his editor said she was sticking by her “dynamic” reporter.

When I asked whether Feuerstein had been in contact with the shorts, she would only say that he was in touch with a wide range of investors. Using’s journalistic standards, the headline on that might be: “Biotech reporter concedes he may be exchanging information with shorts.”

I have no idea whether Northwest Bio’s immunizations work or whether it will become the billion dollar company that Powers says it could be. What I do know is that given the choice between allowing innovative companies to develop promising products that could save thousands of lives, or allowing Wall Street wise guys to use sleazy tactics to manipulate share prices for short-term profit, I’m siding with the companies. Maybe it’s time for the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission to be siding with them as well. "

The SEC turns a blind eye to this, and as Feuerstein's top boss Jim Crummer, a former top hedge fund manager, explains how it's done under the noses of the SEC who are too dumb to know what's going on, allegedly, in a YouTube video: here's a synopsis:

Here's the YouTube link:

This is full of so many quotable statements hard to pick but this is a good one:
"What's important to remember when you're in hedge fund mode is not to do anything remotely truthful..." TO do's: manipulate the media like CNBC, spread rumors to trading houses as well, focus on co's that are least likely to comment for competitive reasons like Apple (OR biotechs)...

Does anyone believe that Feuerstein working for Crummer's blog is naive about his role in helping the shorts kill target companies?
And scre# the retail investors like us, we are more than helpless.

How many 401K's and companies have guys like him destroyed?

Yet the SEC only goes after small-time penny stock companies and how? Shutting them down without warning or any attempt to seek restitution for -- again, the retail investor.