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09/26/14 11:02 AM

#15684 RE: fly_fisherman #15683

" no matter"what oil they get out of the wells the Shareholders are screwed!!!!

That rocket on the launch pad just fell over!!!"

All you do is complain or say "They'll get their's in the end" as if their bad karma can really help anybody.
My efforts have been admittedly small, but I did what I could - several calls to the SEC which wasted a lot of their time. I also submitted a written complaint with my name on it. I warned about the hidden drug ads in the SIOR website and they got fixed. I also talked with Screaming Eagle a while back. And I will do whatever I can for our cause.
I gather from your posts that you are far better off financially than I am. So it is disturbing to me that you are, in a loose sense, negating my efforts with posts like 'stick a fork in it, it's done' or remarks like you just made today.