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09/25/14 3:50 AM

#1173 RE: Hamilcar54 #1172

Tgc forsure I believe is the better buy but I want to believe what I hear to but now I hear senx and beach are talking to tgc and this stock never gets by 16 cents and falls to 13 11.5 if there drilling and financing before the end of nov that's 2 months away! No prospectus no partner yet oct next week! I thought they would at least finance no less than 25 cents but without a partner and cant get by 15 cents it looks more like a private placement tgc 15 cents but thats good to because they end up 55% and to give up 15 20% better to have a little more stock out and hit oil with 55% of the property I think? In this business seems like the news changes every day lol


09/25/14 10:45 AM

#1175 RE: Hamilcar54 #1172

how much does henc have afterall? ive heard different figures