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10/08/14 4:07 PM

#56763 RE: Chas56789 #56762

Great to hear. I will leave my shares in my account. F**K them !!!! I'm sick of this short selling BS ! When is it going to be outlawed again? This is wrong and against life. I don't like the idea of people making money on a companies loss. There should only be one way to make money. And that is if the stock rises - period!

This way everyone is cheering on the same side. I hope everyone involved in short selling goes to hell. Yep it is that evil.


11/24/14 10:54 PM

#56764 RE: Chas56789 #56762

Not to worry, art will be back to force a cover.

Doc Holliday

04/17/15 11:02 AM

#56769 RE: Chas56789 #56762

It wasn't naked shorting. It was illegal shares that were being issued by another party in Florida that had nothing to do with the company. Court ruled that the symbol can never be traded again.