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09/22/14 11:07 AM

#6120 RE: TimWJ11 #6118

Tom's reference of +60% was XSUNX's 3rdQ vs 2ndQ. This is old news as XSUNX's 3rdQ ended June 30. XSUNX's year end 4thQ ends 9/30. We'll see what happens...personally I think sales will continue to rise, with hugh gains coming in 2015 and 2016...just a hopeful hunch.


09/22/14 12:32 PM

#6121 RE: TimWJ11 #6118

It will matter to any serious investors Tim.....the stock will not get momentum until the business makes money from real customers. Day traders will hype any seeming good news, but investors want verifiable sales figures and customer data.