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09/22/14 11:23 PM

#5523 RE: lao5023 #5469

MArket adoption is biggest hurdle for any disruptive new approach to technology. It never is as simple as build it and they will come...

A real company has to have:

1) A working product
2) a value proposition
3) customers
4) sales
5) profits
6) valuation commensurate with actual financials.

this company doesnt demonstrate any of the above yet...

I can say i have the cure to cancer...but somewhere in the equation i actually have to show people that its not snake oil and all of the above will take this outfit many many months to achieve if they are really really lucky...

its a lottery ticket at best...
for now the insiders are the only winners...

its pretty much a wet dream....but for some people thats almost as good as the real thing...