You can easily agitate a coin dealer by using this method, even though i have never stated my reasoning to them and why i exchange like that but they have kinda figured that there must be some purpose to it because i keep coming back and doing it and have a smile on my face every time - of course they may think i'm bipolar, hahaha... Matter of fact i've had a dealer to tell me not to come back of course i was going 3 times a week to that particular one but if you do that it's a system that can or could work in the long run but like everything else it's also risky but so far i'm waayyy ahead and enjoying it. I'm kinda skiddish to do it right now because silver may be on the edge of ticking up if the buys and interest continues and i personally don't want to be stuck in gold when that happens. I'm a percentage guy and silver is an easy multi-bagger where as gold maybe a double or triple depending on what your opinion of everything is and if that gap closes to the old 16 to 1 or 36 to 1 then i'm definitely trading all the silver i have for gold if it ever goes to 16 to 1 giving you even greater profits, thats the end game for me.