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09/19/14 10:32 PM

#30102 RE: Fitman #30101

Yet you spend an inordinate amount of time here. You have lied about share structure and insulted Cayo and all union members. All while claiming to be a day trader. For all intents an purposes day traders are glorified gamblers. Lazier than almost all hard working Americans, simply looking for the quick buck.

Argue all you want. You are still here so whether you believe in SEGI or not your anxiety of being wrong is controlling you and your posting regimen. You lied and were caught. You are concerned this stock may run and Ed may come through. You know Canada will most likely trade again and soon, making you look small modes yet again.

I for one will take Cayo over you and your day trader type everyday of the year. So get back to making money as a day trader because you come off as being petty and vindictive here.