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09/21/14 1:49 PM

#20307 RE: ccraider #20305

I don't think the "letter" is an attempt to manipulate opinion for the purpose of swing trading. I think you would be foolish to try to swing trade a dog (no offence I own some of this dog) like PTSC that has no regular liquidity and really no concrete clear prospects of making money in the near term. You could easily get trapped in a large position and get killed by the market makers selling into no demand. I think the letter is just an angry visceral screed by shareholders frustrated with a bad situation. I have felt many of the feelings they express, however, at the end of the day, if I though the board was actively colluding against shareholder interests and as incompetent as the letter accuses I would simply sell because you are not getting rid of them and if they were that incompetent in the past then there is probably no hope for the future. Better to sell and move on.

The key mistake was made way back in 2005 when the master agreement gave TPL/Lecrone too much control over licensing with not enough oversight. The result was PTSC finally accused him of comingling licenses and ripping us off. Sadly the big rip off license was Apple and this tiny amount he assigned to the MMP as a discount for his other junk patents was used by the HTC jury to establish a royalty rate. This has hopefully been addressed with subsequent agreements and the possible addition of another licensing entity other than Alliacense. I believe TPL has to approve a PTSC pick for another licensing entity as a condition before the joint TPL creditor bankruptcy agreement can take effect. This might be the next news event and if it is a player in the patent licensing world the stock will pop. There is also no question the tremendous repeated reexam attack on the patents hurt licensing. If one of those reexams changed language in an MMP patent so it essentially was made different then past infringement cannot be claimed. This would have wrecked any expensive litigation results at the time if it had happened. Fortunately the 336 was not changed enough in the reexams to deny pre reexam infringement. This is an issue even now in the HTC trial over the 890 patent. The truly key event is the appeals court ruling for the HTC case because if that is lost then none of the rest of the stuff really matters at all. I think that should be decided later this year.


09/22/14 7:29 PM

#20312 RE: ccraider #20305

egos,frustation and lost hundred of THOUSANDS OF dollars for not pushing the sell button.........would be interesting to know the percentage of shares held by these culprits.;;as an aside,the barrister has again posted without knowing anything about his point???NEEDY!!!