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09/19/14 6:04 PM

#13607 RE: Ryan071236 #13605

I think you lay out a good case. Really appreciate the time taken to respond. I'm sure I am not the only one.

/Here's hoping Titan is the catalyst for an explosion in single port demand!


09/19/14 10:36 PM

#13613 RE: Ryan071236 #13605

You are out in the trenches so I definitely respect and will consider your opinion. I speak to surgeons and practitioners often as well (I am a Clinical Research Associate) and it seems the prevailing attitude among those Ive talked to is that there will be considerable growth in the market in the next 5+ years. I believe most of the surgeons on this board seem to think the same. This is exactly why different perspectives on this board are so helpful. As an investor it is imperative to get as much info as possible - due diligence is a constant! Id like to hear from Daktari, Golf Pro, El Guapo, etc regarding their thoughts on market expansion.


09/30/14 10:44 PM

#14177 RE: Ryan071236 #13605

therefore I see it being 20-$30 over the next 5 years,

yes,thats why we are here that range sounds very fair